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She was still in my arms sobbing, I was stroking her hair trying to calm her down, my instincts told me that she mean no harm to me. If she would have any motive to harm me she would have done it the very first day we met but, she didn't.

"Anna please don't cry, I know you didn't mean any harm to me. " I said cupping her face with my hands.

"Y-You do ? " She asked, her voice was heavy.

"Yes I do. " I said wiping away the stream of tears from her face.

"Thank-you for believing in me I had to tell you, I didn't wanna hide anything from you I wanted you to like me for my true self , I am not a monster. " She said keeping a hand on my cheek.

"I know you are not a monster it's just that I can't stand with the idea of dead peo- "

"No ! You got it all wrong, we don't kill humans at least not anymore , we don't even bite them. " She said.

"You don't ? but don't survive on blood ? " I asked bewildered.

"Not at all ! we get blood in our bodies through blood transfusion thrice a week, our race has stopped feeding ourselves like that long ago, infact it's a crime to do that now.  " She explained.

"Okay ! " I managed to say taking it in.

"We are quite different from what the books and the movies describe us. " She said.

"How ? " I asked.

"We are like humans, we eat, breath and sleep just like you...we are not immortal I mean everybody has to die one day so do we  " She explained.

"Okay ! " I said.

I was relieved to know that vampires do not kill humans anymore. we didn't speak for a few minutes. and then I remembered about the incident of day we first met

"Anna ! what was that eletric pulse thing, the day we first met ? " I asked her.

"Blake ! You felt that too ? " She asked.

" Yes...You mean to say that you it wasn't you ? " I asked her.

"No, it's actually a sign " She replied.

"Sign ? Of what ? " I asked confused.

"It is the sign of nature for the soul mates to be, I mean it only happens when a vampire is bound to be with a human I know you won't believe it but this is the principle of soul mates  " She explained.

"And how did you get my wallet ? " I asked.

"I was there in the trees, when came to your court that day and then I planned to meet you somehow. So I jumped into your room with every single speck of speed I had and found your wallet, I knew that you won't buy the story of how I found your wallet on the ground and you'll ask me about it some day but I had to do it because I wanted to be around you. " She explained.

"So it was you that day ? "  I asked.

"Yes I jumped into your room undetected. " She replied.

"I felt that but couldn't see anything. " I said moving my hand through my hair.

"I was not stalking you or anything, it's just that I couldn't abstain myself from seeing you. " She went on.

"But ?  Uhh nevermind. " I managed.

"Actually school wasn't the first place where I saw you -"

"Where else did you see me ? I mean you are new here. " I spoke she could finish.

"I saw you at the mall two-weeks before the school started and since then I was waiting to meet you...this might seem cheesy or weird but this is the truth, I hope this answers your question. " She said.

I was still suffering taking everthing in and somehow found myself believing in her inspite of the strange reality.

"Anna ! I think it's time to go home I'll drop you off to your house. " I said.

We went to my car, she sat next to me and I started the car and we drove away...we didn't speak through out the ride. And then finally  I pulled over in front of her house.

"Good-bye ! " She said unbuckling her seat belt .

"Anna ! " I called her.

"Yes ! " She said turning her face to mine.

"Are you free tomorrow  ? " I asked.

"Yeah ! Why ? " She asked.

"I was wondering, if I can come to your house tomorrow to finalize the report before submitting ? " I asked.

"Yeah sure why not. " She said smiling.

I saw a question in her eyes, and I knew what is was about.

"Don't worry I won't let that come between us. " I said taking her hand in mine.

"Thank-you I really wanted to hear that. " She said gleaming.

"I wanted to confess that for myself too. " I said kissing on her forehead.

With that she got out of my car and went to her porch. She turned and waved to me and I waved back, after she went inside I drove away.

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That Strange New GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz