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I was given instructions by Madam Anna to stay as far as possible from Ms. Britney. Anna became furious after listening about the incident of earlier that day, I tried to calm her down. "Maybe I am over thinking about it " I said. "I knew it, the moment she stepped into our class she was up to something. That sl- " I interupted her before she could swear.

"Calm down Anna. Anger is not the solution to the problem " I said.

"You want me to clam down. Some psycho is flirting with my boyfriend and you want me to clam down ? " She asked. I could make out that she was trying her best not to yell, hearing all that made my heart do somersault. I chuckled.

"What ? What is so funny ? " She glared at me. I raised my hands in surrender and shook my head.

"It doesn't matter Anna. You are the only one for me, she can do nothing. The only problem we have is that, I don't know for how many days do I have to endure all that " I said. She rested her head on my shoulder and interwined our fingers.

"You will never leave me, right ? " She asked.

"Never " I said and kissed her on the head.

In the Physics class Sean and Derek kept staring at me, I mouthed the word "what" and they shrugged. We meet again during the lunch time.

"Dude ! When did you became a two timer ? " Sean asked.

"What the hell are you talking about ? " I asked in mere confusion.

"You know what we are talking about " Derek said rubbing his hands together.

"Seriously ! I have no idea, what you are talking about " I said eyeing both of them. Kim and Shannon were looking at me. Acutally I wanted to kill them at that moment. I mean dude they were saying such obscene things about me in front of my girlfriend. She was sensitive.

"Oh you scatteredbrain ! We are talking about Ms. Britney " Derek said.

"Oh ! That " I said in a displeasing manner.

"So is it ture ? That you and Ms. Britney stayed in the school yesterday after the school ? " Derek said giving a malicious smile.

"Yes bu- "

"What did you guys do then ? Give us the details " Derek said. I smacked him hard on his shoulder.

"God ! You guys are so flithy. She was tutoring me she thinks I lack somewhere in English " I quoted with my fingers.

"What ? That is garbage. Dude you are taking AP English, you are not a primary school kid " Sean said.

"Exactly ! " I said.

"I wonder if she was in nut house before coming here " Derek chuckled.

"I won't be surprised " I said with a huge smile and actually I was thinking if it was possible.

"Anna ! We are so sorry but we have to pull his leg so can tell us what is wrong with him. He is such a kid " Both of them said.

"Yes he sure is " Anna winked at me and smiled.

"Hey ! I thought you were on my side " I pretended to be offended.

"Come on dude grow up " Derek nudged me with his elbow.

The bell rang and I groaned. The rest of them were laughing. Me and Anna went out of the mess to get our books and then head towards the English class. We took our regular seats, others were talking. Ms. Britney walked into the class, she was smiling to herself. Something was going on her mind, she cleared her throat.

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