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I looked towards the buzzer clock it indicated that, only thirty seconds were remaining in which we could either lose or win. feeling the adrenaline flowing through my veins, my feet were pacing towards the hoop I felt myself above the ground and was about to put my ball through it.


Damn! My alarm went off and that's when the realization hit me, I was dreaming.

I checked my cellphone it displayed 6:30 A.M so I got off my bed, stretched and went to the bathroom to freshen-up.

I came back to my room where everything is sporty and black. My furniture, carpet, curtains, sheets, there are posters of NBA players on my wall and dumbbells were placed underneath my bed and my laptop was placed on my study table. I have always had a clean room as compared to the other guys.

I started dressing for school. I put on my black jeans, a black full sleeves V-neck T-shirt along with my new Leather jacket which I bought from the mall a week ago, picked my backpack and then headed down for the breakfast.

"Morning! Mom, dad. " I said picking my sandwich from the plate.

"Good-Morning! Blake." they both said in Unison.

My dad said,"I will drop you off to School on my way to work." his eyes going through daily headlines.

As my car was in the workshop it broke down a few days back.


"Grady High School." Said my school board. First day of school after winter break.

I got out of the car and dad left for the office on the way to main entrance of the school building, I found my friends Derek and Sean.

I said,"Happy New Year... douche bags." banging fists together, we started walking inside and going towards our lockers.

Suddenly I felt something awkward in the background. I looked around to see and my eyes found that new girl, it seemed as if someone had pressed that slow-mo button of the remote control.

That girl, her skin was white as snow, blue eyes as ocean, she had hazel wavy hair. she was flawless unlike anything I've ever seen before. Then Derek tapped on my shoulder and I was back to the real world.

"Bruh! She is good." I said opening my locker.

Derek said,"She is new here, her name is Anna Wilson she came from New Jersey."

"And how do you know that?" I asked.

"Dude! Privileges of dating the president of teachers sidekick club... I mean they know everything besides fun and partying." He said.

"It is gonna be a tough competition." Sean said.


After school and saying goodbyes to each other I started walking towards my house which was only three blocks away from school I was on my way when I saw her Anna ahead of me, she was picking up her books from the ground.

I went up to her and asked, " Hey! Mind if I help?"

She looked up at me with a feeble smile and said "Please!"

I said,"I am Blake, Blake Thomas! By the way."

She said "I am Anna Wilson, I am new here, nice to meet you."

"Yeah nice to meet you too, so how long has it been since you've moved here?" I asked.

"Umm! Three weeks." She replied.

"Do you like it here?" I asked.

"Lets see but I think I've started liking this place already and thank you so much for helping." She replied smiling.

"Nah! You don't have to thank me it's not a big deal to help someone." I said smiling.

I picked her book and was about to hand it to her when our fingers touched and at that very moment I felt some strange electric pulse flowing through me. I was mesmerized, it was like something was pulling me into her... a thread or maybe a string was tying me. I don't know for how many seconds or minutes we sat like that and that's when my phone rang and we snapped out of it and bang we came back to reality.

We sat silent for a few minutes neither of us didn't know what to say, when I noticed something strange about her... I felt cold around her. And she was staring at my neck hungrily, I saw her expressions change from normal to something unidentifiable for a bit... I felt as if she saw sniffing something from within me. That made the hair on my neck stand... It was kinda awkward. So I decided to walk out of this strange situation.

"I-I have to go somewhere... later." I said and took off.

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