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When the class was dismissed I picked my backpack and started walking out of the class while, others were talking to each other making groups and study plans.

On my way to lockers I saw Derek and this guy Alan from drama club approaching towards his locker but they were discussing something, when I drew near them Derek looked-up at me, he looked anxious about something and he wanted to tell me.

"What is going on?" I asked Derek, giving Alan a nod.

"Sebastian's parents are gone to Wisconsin for a week, so he decided to have some fun hence, he is having a party at his crib tomorrow." He said excitedly.

"Great! I am in." I said.

"See you at the party man!" he shrugged and left.

"Do you want me to be your ride tomorrow?" Derek asked.

"Nah! I'll get my baby today so thanks bro." I replied.

"You okay? Is something bothering you?" Derek asked.

"Umm! Mr.Gates had assign us a task for our next assignment." I replied.

"That's it...?" Derek asked sounding irritated.

"No man! He wants us to make a group of two pupil each and he choose my group mate... I mean, he chose Anna as my group mate but he didn't select a group mate for other students... so I am kinda perplexed." I replied.

"Dude! That's awesome. I mean you can get to know Anna, maybe you guys might start dating." He said excitedly.

"Hold on! Why do you keep saying that? " I asked.

"Because I am your brother and I know that you like her, and I bet she likes you too but you two are so socially awkward to each other, to admit it." He said chuckling.

And then I saw her coming she was wearing sky blue sleeveless top which made her eyes more prominent with white pants and heels not too high and her hair tied in a perfect braid. FLAWLESS... !!!

She glanced at me and gave me a slight wink.

I gasped and turned red like a tomato.

"Like I said  Romeo!" He said teasing.

"Whatever!" I said trying to ignore his comment.


After school I was standing when somebody tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and found Anna.

"You again? What do you want from me?" I asked glaring her.

"I am your group mate remember." She said imitating me.

"Look! I am totally not into this group study thing but if your trying to be so studious then, make your own report I'll make mine and we'll meet two days prior to the day of submission and will make the final report by adding best points from each others report...there you go, now quit bugging me." I said annoyed.

"So where will we meet?" She asked.

"Your house." I said because I didn't want her near my house after last time.

"Hmm! Can you walk me home? " She asked biting her lower lip with that innocent look on her...

"On what account?" I asked frowning.

"I don't know... I wanna get to know you." She said blushing.

I actually saw her blushing but blushing or no blushing I am not gonna walk her home... no-way! I ain't her bodyguard.


She lived a block before me, her house was bigger than mine, painted white with perfectly mowed lawn and a curved path-way leading to the main entrance with a garage for four cars to the left of the house.

I was still confused about her and was feeling guilty for my behaviour.

"Thanks! I didn't think you'd walk me home but you took me by surprise." She said looking genuinely grateful.

I gave a nod of acceptance.

"Hmm! Your perfume again..." She said taking a step closer too me.

"Why did you lie to me Anna?" I asked. I had to, it was either today or never.

"What do mean? When did I lie to you?" She asked confused.

I sighed... "About my wallet, yesterday you told me that, you found my wallet on the ground... I know you lied because it never fell." I said.

"Okay yeah! I lied so what?" She admitted.

"W-Why Anna and how did you get it? Tell me?" I asked pleading.

"Not so wanna know the answer you have to earn it." She said shaking her head and grinning mischievously.

"You can't do-"

"Oh! Yes I want the answer... come to Sebastian's party tomorrow and earn your answer from me." She made a pout cutting me off.

I didn't like it, she was up to something.


After going home I went up to my bedroom,threw my backpack,changed into basketball shorts and then I went to my basketball court... I was playing but in the back of my mind everything started replaying like a movie. Every time Anna's face flashed in my mind, her voice echoed in my ears I tapped the ball harder and faster then threw it in the hoop... I was frustrated and angry... two hours later I came back inside,took a shower and started my homework.

I decided to take a break and was passing the counter when I noticed my car keys, grabbed them and walked to the garage from inside the house.

And there was she... my baby... my Honda Accord 2012, it's interior was customized in Red and Black color. I forgot everything for a couple of minutes out of joy. She was special to me, if it wouldn't have been for that drunk man she would have been with me the whole time.

I snapped back from old memories and unlocked the door, got in my car, she roared with power when the engine was ignited and then I went for a long drive, I really needed one to clear my head.

On my way back home, I groaned with pain which made me realized that I haven't eaten yet and it's time for dinner. So I went to McDonalds, ordered my favorite Big Mac meal and Mac flurry for desert... Finally my mood was settled and I was ready for tomorrow night too...


I came home at 9:45 P.M my folks would probably have passed out by now and I was dancing around the house while listening to music.

Suddenly someone was behind me so I stopped and when I turned back and Boom!

"Why are you dancing around the house mister? " Asked my dad seeming amused.

"Umm! I-I was..."

"You were?" emphasizing me with one eyebrow raised.

"I thought you guys were sleeping and I was doing some exercise... why would you think that I was dancing... hehe! " I said scratching my head feeling embarrassed on my faux pas...

"Go to your bed Blake." He said going back to his room and I saw him laughing silently from the corner of my eyes.

"Y-Yeah okay." I said.

After that faux pas of mine I went to my room,changed into my pajamas, saw myself in the mirror and Derek's words replayed in my mind.

"Is it really true? Do I really like her?" I questioned myself.

Then pushed away those thoughts and walked to my bed and plopped down on and passed out.

*Blake has been whining from previous chapters, so I thought a little humor might be good... please vote and leave your comments...and I'd like some helping criticism as well.. :-)

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