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"Don't worry I am not miser we'd go for the dinner after this " I chuckled. Anna was gleaming as well.

"Please close your eyes and no peeking until I say " I said enthusiastically. Then I went to the car opened the passanger door and opened the glove compartment and grasped a box with hearts printed all over it and a red ribbon bow on top of  it. I strolled my way back to Anna got on knees and held the box in the air right before her eyes which were closed at that time.

"Okay ! now open your eyes " I said in hushed manner.

The curtains over her blue irises started raising until they reached their position. Anna stared at the box for a couple of seconds before realizing what was it.

"OH MY GOD ! what's in it ? " She squealed with joy.

"Take a look at it yourself " I replied with a huge smile.

She picked the box and opened it, now she was looking at an Icing - Rhinestone Deco Design Bracelet.

"It's so pretty " She said.

"Not yet " I said. I took the bracelet out of the box and slipped it into her hand. "It's perfect now " I said looking into her eyes.

"I-" She embraced me tightly and I returned the embrace whole heartedly. Her soft body was pressed against my rigid body, it was perfect. After that I sat on the chair next to Anna.

"You remember the time when Mr.Gates assigned us together for that homework ? " I asked looking out in the sky.

"Yeah ! what about it ? " She asked.

"I think that if he would not have done that back then we wouldn't have been together that was one of best things that happened to me " I replied.

"Well ! " She was grinning mischiviously.

"What ? " I asked not following her.

"Actually I made him do it " She replied smile never leaving her face.

"What ? How ? " I asked holding the back of my neck, something I do when I am confused or surprised.

"Well ! I hypnotized him to do so that is the reason why I was late in the class the other day " She replied.

"You can actually do that ? " I asked.

"Ahan ! "She replied.

"Woah ! what else can you do that I am unaware of ? " I asked.

"For that honey ! you'll have to stick with me for the rest of your life " She grinned.

"I would love too Madam " I said and we both burst into a hearty laughter.

"Okay I'll tell you what else I can do " She said.

"I am listening " I said.

"You know I can smell the aura of the humans through which I can tell what kind of  a person he or she maybe " She said.

"How do you distinguish between auras I mean there maybe too many  ? " I asked.

"It's not that hard, the auras have a pleasant odour and a unpleasant odour. Pleasant ones indicates the good aura in a person while the unpleasant ones indicate the bad aura in a person. Like a good aura may give out the smell of strawberry or something else and a bad aura may give out the smell of a rotten egg or a garbage, there are different kinds of odour in both types  " She explained.

"Wow ! that is so amazing " I said.

"I can tell you what your aura smells like. do you wanna sure ? " She asked.

"Cool why not " I said.

"Your aura smells like a warm melted chocolate " She said.

"Warm melted chocolate is that bad ? " I asked.

"What ? You must be joking. It's one of the best odours, it means you are a very good person " She said.

"Oh ! " I uttered.

Suddendly there was rustling of the leaves. We looked at our left from where the rustling sound came. "Who is there ? " I called out. Anna became stiff and alert. the last time when she was in this condition, it was because of Monica. Oh boy ! "Reveal yourself  " Anna demanded with rage.

A slander and pale figure came out of the bushes. Wearing dark clothes like last time, it was none other than Monica.

"You ? What are you doing here ? I should have known about it why didn't I smell her coming " Anna said as if thinking loudly.

" Of course you couldn't have with filthy human's pheromones in the air, it makes me throwing out. " Monica spat.

"What are you talking about ? " I asked.

"You filthy creature you are so chessy that you make me throw out " Monica said.

"I beg your pardon " I said.

"That's what you should do when I kill you " Monica said while flashing her fangs.

"This is not your territory so take your criminal self out of here " Anna said taking a step towards Monica.

"Oh ! I can go anywhere I want and soon my time will come. Mark my words human you will come to me willingly to die " Monica said with an purely evil  grin.

"How dare you bi- " Anna was so furious that it was hard for to me hold her back.

"Take care of your toy as much as you can because soon I am gonna drain his blood out of his veins " with this Monica disappeared.

*1.12K reads thanks guys ! it would be generous of you if you'd vote the story too. So please vote and comment. I am trying to make this story better, if you think so too then let me know :-) and I hope you'll like this chapter. Thanks

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