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Sebastian, himself opened the door a few minutes later, after I rang the doorbell. He seemed slightly wasted.

"Hi ! " He greeted.

"Hey ! " I greeted back.

"Where is you bag ? " He asked.

"Huh ? This is a party right, why would I bring my bag here ? " I asked hoping he might get it.

"Oh yeah ! Come in bro and please put three dollars for Beer in that box, there. " He said pointing at the box placed at the end of the room.

Okay make that completely wasted.

I did as he asked. The party was totally crazy, the music boomed from the speakers, there was an enormous dining room to my left in which people were eating and drinking, I went in looking for my friends but couldn't find them so I went to the bar to grab a can of soda at the corner of the room. I didn't want to be intoxicated tonight.

Then I went to the room on right, it was also big but not as big as the left one everybody was dancing around the hip-hop music. so I decided to join everyone on the dance floor, and performed break dance the crowd cheered for me. after that I went down into the basement where there was a theater room and a gaming room in which there were arcade game machines, various consoles and a 60" inches LED, I saw my friends sitting on the couch with their girlfriends and so I marched towards them.

"Hey ! " I greeted them.

"Hey ! " They all greeted back in unison.

"Why aren't you guys at the dance floor ? " I asked.

"It's fine here. " Sean replied keeping an arm on Kim's shoulder.

"We'll go in a while." Derek said stroking Shannon's hair and then they started making-out heedless about the world.

"Eew ! Get a room you two. " I said turning away from them.

I pulled up Sean and Kim from the couch and took them upstairs to the dance floor and shoved them closer to each other, they started dancing and then I went to the dining room again to get another drink and was hoping to find Anna in that room but I didn't find her there, just as I was about to go upstairs to look for her I caught glimpse of her.

This time I decided to walk towards her and when I was there I called her.

"Hey ! Anna. "

She turned back and I froze, I couldn't help but notice her from head to toe. She was wearing a dark purple knee length spaghetti strap dress with purple cubic stud earrings and had a clutch, she let her hair fall freely over her shoulders and she wore a coral pink lipstick.

"L-Lets t-talk. " I said struggling with words.

"Not here, follow me. " She said while holding my hand and took us out, to the backyard which was covered with grass.

There was no one except us, the whole pool area was empty since the weather was cold even then. She led us by the pond which was surrounded by trees. And finally we stopped walking.

"Here ! You better wear take this, it's cold out here. " I said offering her my dark blue leather jacket.

"It's fine. " She said.

"Girls ! Don't be careless about your health to look are cold, come on take it. " I said emphasizing.

"Thanks ! " She said taking it.

"So, why are we out here ? " I asked.

"This place is perfect and peaceful..and I just want you and me to be alone. " She replied.

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