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After I got home. I went straight up to my room, kept my backpack on it's usual place and went to the washroom to freshen up after changing and splashing warm water on my face, when I looked in the mirror above the sink a tall figure with short spiked hair, light brown eyes,wide shoulders a bit chiseled stared back at me.

My mind was suffering with different questions like What happened back then? Why was she looking at me like that? Should I be worried about something? I mean she was a complete stranger to me but there is something she was hiding or maybe it was just my hallucination I don't know maybe I need to give it a rest.

My stomach was growling which reminded me of how hungry I was, so I decided to head down to the kitchen, as nobody was home but me, both my mom and dad go to work,they are lawyers I saw couple of bills on the counter with a note "Buy yourself lunch -Love Mom."

I wasn't in mood to order something so I decided to make something for myself Mac n Cheese...yum! My mouth watered as its image hit my mind..after an hour I was stuffed..I washed the dishes and went to our backyard where my basketball court is I don't play for school, I play for myself that is whenever I am happy, sad, angry.

WHOOSH! It felt as if something passed by me it was fast but I didn't see anything so I started playing but I couldn't shake away the feeling of someone keeping an eye on me, a few minutes later the doorbell rang.

"Who would be here at this time? Damn!" I said it can't Derek or Sean... they must be sucking faces with their girlfriends I mean they went out with their dates I marched up to the door. I turned the key to unlock the door, opened it, I froze after looking at the figure standing at my door it was... Anna.

"Ugh..." escaped from my mouth.

"Hi! Again I guess. " said Anna.

"Huh! Oh yeah, hi!" I said standing there like a bozo.

"May I come in? It's cold out here." Anna asked.

I was wondering whether I should or not, after the incident that took place earlier. My brain snapped MANNERS MISTER..!

"Yeah please." I said leading her to my lounge.

But how does she know about my house? And what brings her here? I started asking myself.

"So what brings you here? and how do you know about my house?" I blurted unable to control my tongue.

" dropped off your wallet so I came here to return it to you and asked a couple of students about your house. Nice house I must say." said Anna. Handing my wallet to me. There was this awkward silence between us again she finally broke the ice and said, "You are quite a gentleman thank-you for helping me pick my books up it was my first day so I didn't know whom should I talk to."

What were I thinking? I am such an idiot.

"No problem! Ugh! Would you like to have anything?" I asked nervously. I was nervous, it's not like I've never been alone with a girl there is something different about her.

"No-thanks... I just came here return your wallet, I owe you that." She said getting up from the couch.

I walked her back to the door. When she stopped and turned towards me abruptly. I stopped myself at the right time before hitting into her.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Yes!" I replied taking a step back.

"Do you always smell this sweet?" She asked sounding flirtatious out of the blue.

"Huh? I don't know maybe." I replied not expecting that question.

"Don't be shy I am not gonna bite you it's okay you can tell me I won't tell anyone, see you in school tomorrow." She said giggling.

"B-Bye!" I managed to say weakly.

I closed the door behind her and let out a sigh of relief. God  what the hell just happened? Did she just gave me a compliment? Okay this girl is crazy, she was pretending all weak and innocent earlier today and now all predator, she does these weird things to me. My eyes darted to the clock hanging on the kitchen wall besides entrance OH MY GOD! it's 6:45 P.M  Crap!  I forgot, I have homework to do.


After busting my brain nerves, I was so tried, I went down my folks came home an hour a ago dad was in his study and mom was in the kitchen making dinner.

"How was your day? " Asked mom.

"It was good." I said it was good except my weird interactions with this strange girl twice a day I can't really tell her that... and then a thought hit me like a lightning bolt...Wait a minute I never dropped off my wallet... I couldn't because my wallet was in my front pocket not back... if it would have fallen out or anything I would have been able to see it. But it never did, then how did she? What does she want from me? She is not who she pretends to be I will find out what in the name of hell is wrong with her.

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