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The time was passing way too slowly. Ms. Britney was sitting on her table and was doing something on her cellphone, I cleared my throat to remind her that I was in the class she looked up from the screen, got off the table and kept her cellphone in bag.

"Please come forward " Ms. Britney said. I grunted but did what she asked.

She dragged a chair from another row and she sat beside me. She was sitting close, I mean her knees were touching the side of my left thigh. Not that it means anything but I prefer a respectable distance between a teacher and a student especially when it is a female. And ever since that movie "The Boy Next Door" came out, that situation seemed more awkward.

I moved myself a bit farther so we wouldn't touch but that didn't work because she kept her arms on the desk and she was taking more space then a person normally would because her hand was touching my elbow. I sighed and ignored the touching part.

"Blake I went through the essay of your pervious assignment. I think you could have written it better. I think you lack in expressing your ideas. So we will work on this today. I will give you the name of the novel and you have to write a few points which comes across your mind " She said.

I opened my backpack and took a notebook and a pencil out. As I held my pencil in my left hand. "You are a lefty ? " She asked with her mouth hanging open and looking at me like I was some kind of an alien.

"Yeah " Can't you see I am holding my pencil in my left hand then why ask ? I said in my mind.

"Oh yeah of course " She said as if she read my thought.

"Well ! Give me the name " I said.

"Which name ? Oh yeah the novel. The Women's Brain " She said.

What ? was she even serious because I got an A on my essay of The Women's Brain. Somehow I knew that, the whole tutoring thing was an absurd. She was not even serious about it. All I wanted was to finish it as quick as possible so I could go home.

I wrote a couple of points that came in my mind and gave my paper to Ms. Britney to read it.

"Good ! I want you to come prepared with matter of the points tomorrow " She said.

"What ? I can write the whole essay again. I'll do it as the homework but I won't wait to write it tomorrow " I emphasized on the word again.

"No ! I don't want you to spend way too much time on one subject. That is the reason why I am tutoring you after school. We will do AP English after school besides this is extra work so no homework " She said.

I smacked my forehead in frustration because whatever she said didn't make sense at all. She kept her hand on my shoulder, my body tensed.

"Don't worry you will be over it " She said. I wondered what was she talking about, was she saying about the torture cell I was in or she was talking about her hand on my shoulder. I didn't get good vibes from her. I looked the at clock hanging on the wall above the chalkboard, five more minutes. God ! I started wondering if she was a nympho. Don't get get me wrong but she was acting weird.

"For how many days are you going to tutor me ? " I asked.

"It depends ! on your progress " She said. My jaw dropped, to my relief the bell rang and I sighed and stuffed my backpack quickly. And took my cellphone out of my pocket to check for messages. I had a text from Anna, it said "Are you free ? "

I called Anna instead. She answered after a few seconds.

"Hey baby ! I am free and will be home in fifteen minutes " I emphasized on baby even though I don't like using it but if she would be having any funny thoughts she'd drop them.

"Okay I'll come by, take care " Anna said.

"Take care honey. I'll see you in a while " I said before hanging up. Then I my kept the phone back in my pocket and started walking.

"Leaving so soon ! " Ms. Britney pouted. Yup she pouted and I almost encounterd my knee with the chair.

"Yeah ! Anna is waiting for me, So I have got to go " I said.

"Okay we will start off tomorrow from where we are leaving " She said.

"Whatever " I mumbled gave a nod and left.

I went straight to the shower after coming home, summer was almost there. I was thinking about the events that happened earlier that day. I mean she can't be serious, right ? or maybe she just teasing me. But why would she tease me ? we don't know each other and maybe she hit her head somewhere and she is not thinking straight.

I pushed my thoughts aside and enjoyed the stream of water running down my body, after that I put on my grey denim shorts and walked out of the bathroom came to my room. I was standing infront of my closet deciding what should I wear but I noticed something odd. I glanced my room quickly and found Anna sitting on my bed, a smile slipped pass my lips.

She was staring at me. "What ? is something wrong with me ? " I asked.

"No ! " She said but still staring at me.

"Then - " That's when I realized that I wasn't wearing any shirt. I went into the closet again and put on whatever came in my hand first.

What ? I am shy person. I am not like those douche-bags who think walking around shirtless is cool, no it's not cool. It means they are insecure that they are not good enough to impress a girl with their personality. Oh and thank God I was wearing my shorts because usually I have my towel wrapped around me.

"Ah ! sorry I didn't see you earlier " I said. Wait what ? she didn't came by the door she came from my window that explains.

"Yeah you were in the shower when I came through your window, so I thought I should wait and it seems waiting was not bad at all " She giggled.

"Okay let me make one thing clear, please let me know when you decide about coming here through my window. So I can be prepared usually I am in my towel - "

"Even better " She chuckled.

"What I am serious " I said forcing myself not to smile.

"You are being a girl " She said grinning.

"Oh I'll tell how much of a guy I am " I said moving slowly towards my bed. Anna stood up, she was getting ready to run. I moved briskley and took a step down from my bed and the rest happened so quickly but we both ended up on the floor somehow side by side.

We both started laughing. After our laughing fit we looked at each other none of us said anything, we were just looking at each other. Her face looked so peaceful and calm. I placed a kiss on her forehead, she kissed me back while moving her fingers through my hair.

We made casserole for lunch. Acutally Anna made it and I just helped her with a few things. And it was so tasty that I ate most of it acutally twice of my daily appetite and I was literally bloating and my stomach was aching horrendously.

Then we spent the rest of our time watching movies and playing games. To my surprise she was a very good gamer, I mean usually girls are not gamers. Anna had every single quality that I loved, she was just my type a complete package for me.

"Oh ! I forgot to ask you, how was your class " Anna asked.

I frowned. "What is wrong ? " She asked.

"I don't think she wants to tutor me it is just an excuse. She was acting weird the whole time. She thinks I am dumb. You were right there is something really peculiar about her behaviour " I said.

* Okay any guesses why Ms. Britney is acting so strange. Poor Blake.
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