Harry Potter

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I don't own PJO or HoO, they belong to Rick Riordan.
I don't own HP either, JK Rowling does.

Sorry that I haven't been publishing, I'm out of ideas.
20 May
Harry POV

Harry set at the top of the staircase, he couldn't sleep and his aunt and uncle were just too noisy.

Eavesdropping would be nice, he needed to keep up with whatever was going on in this household.

"Vernon! You don't understand, we have to let him stay here, at least for a while. Sally passed away last week and she was my favourite sister. The least I could do is let him stay." Petunia protested.

"Fine! Let the boy stay, he better not be like the boy upstairs." Harry could hear the distain in his Uncle's voice.

Someone was coming to visit. He wouldn't be alone with nothing to do anymore. He could only hope the boy would be more like his friends and nothing like his relatives.

23 May

3rd Person POV

"All of you on your best behaviour! Perseus would be younger than you Harry. Sally's son has gone through a hard time." Petunia scrambled around the house, making sure everything was perfect as the boys stood at the door.

All of them waited patiently and Harry caught a glimpse outside the window.

A boy with tanned skin and black shaggy hair. He was tall for his age. Slightly shorter than Harry but tall nonetheless. He wore a bright orange T-Shirt with a black pegasus.

The boy was waving to 2 blonde haired man in the limousine who drove away. Likely to never be seen again.

He carried his black duffel bag on his shoulder and strode to the front door. Ringing the doorbell.

Vernon cleared his throat and waited for awhile before opening the door. Greeting the boy, with carefully hidden disgust.

"Welcome to our household. I'm ur Uncle Vernon, that's Petunia and my son, Dudley. Very pleased to meet you!" He tried to say cheerfully.

The boy looked at them before smiling and replied. "Percy Jackson. But you probably already know that."

Harry could now see thin scars scattered around his arms and a long jagged scar on his face. His piercing sea green eyes met Harry's and he tilted his head.

"Harry. Harry Potter. I'm your other cousin."

Percy nodded.

He seemed nice for now, only time could tell what he really felt about them.

25 May

"Boy! Start making dinner." Vernon thundered from the living room.

Percy was sharing the same room as Harry for now, since the other bedrooms were being cleared. Harry groaned and saw Percy following muttering about Uncle being just like his other Uncle.

Harry stifled a laugh and quickly ran downstairs before he got a scolding.

"Need help?" Percy asked.

"Nah, Aunt Petunia would probably fuss over you. I'm used to it around here anyways." Harry shrugged and continued cutting up the vegetables.

"Suit yourself." Percy then plopped himself at the dining table and stared at him, making Harry feel uncomfortable from the gaze.

"Your a wizard aren't you?" Percy suddenly asked. Harry choked, nearly cutting himself with the sharp knife.

"How did you- Are you a wizard?" Harry asked, what if his cousin was a Death Eater. From Harry's scared look, Percy reassured him.

"I'm not an enemy. I'm more of an ally. My kind have been allies with yours for a while. We were planning to help you with the war against that noseless guy." Percy smirked.

"Your kind? So your not a wizard. You make yourself sound like your not human either." Harry noticed. Hanging out with Hermione had its perks.

"I'm a demigod, Son of Poseidon. Not to brag or anything, but I started a war with a nosebleed." Percy said with a smug smile.

"That's not really something to brag about but sure." Harry shrugged. Looks like he will be seeing his cousin in a few months during the war.


Word count: 662

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