Hooded Figure

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I don't own PJO or HoO, therefore I don't own any of the characters. The rightful owner is Rick Riordan

"Alright, training is over!" Percy yelled, dismissing the younger campers.

Percy was keeping the swords when a hooded figure sneaked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Percy tensed and grabbed his arm, flipping the man over his shoulder.

He yelled upon hitting the ground with a thud, attracting the attention of the younger campers along with all the older ones in archery. They quickly turned, weapons out ready to attack.

The man chuckled when Percy placed a sword at his neck. "Nice to see you too Perce." A hint of humour in his voice.

Percy groaned, "Why are you here..?"

"I was bored!" The man whined.

"I'll give you a parting gift if you agree to leave."


Percy leaned in and kissed the man's cheek.

"You missed Seaweed Brain." The Man turned his head so that Percy ended up kissing him on the lips.

The campers watching gasped in shock.

Annabeth grinned and clapped.

"Annabeth why are you clapping?? Your boyfriend just kissed another guy." Piper asked bewildered.

"Pipes we broke up after the Giant War 3 months ago." Annabeth answered, smirking.

The campers watched as Percy waved goodbye to the man.

The Man POV

Damm, it felt good to be at camp.

I walked into the forest and removed my hood. I still had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The scar slashed across the face was very much noticeable too.

Word Count: 259


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