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  You see the damaged robotic figure and you feel your heart flutter as you see him. (you think it's a him)

Then your heart stutters as you see the state he's in. You quickly and carefully inspect him. You're happy when you determine that you can fix him.

You look around looking for parts. While poking though some burned cloth strips you see a mirror house.

You look down at your body and see it's not like it is supposed to be. You approach the building and walk in.

The first mirror is to damaged to see in. The second one is mostly intact.

You study yourself in the mirror:

Your hair dimly glows a soft green. Strands flowing around as if you are in space. Black lines are on your cheek from your eyes. You feel your skin. Its like the blood has been drained from your body. Ironically it has.

You admire your reflection a little bit longer then leave the mirror house to continue with your mission.

You find several parts that you need. Sadly you had to dismantle some more robotics that where beyond repair even before the fire.

You go to the robot and start putting him together piece by piece.

Little games (polly x reader) • (cover by me) Where stories live. Discover now