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     "O-overlord?" You say "someone said something like that. W-what is it"

"Well you know a powerful demon who basically is the 'lord' of of one of the seven rings" he pauses "but thats the thing, we already have a overlord for each of the rings."

"Can they...'die' again?" You ask

"In a way yes, but you need a certain weapon for that."

"Maybe im supposed to kill one?"

"I don't know it hasn't happened before, tried yes but none have accomplished it."

"Well i have...this" you motion to yourself "for a reason,and landed in this ring"

You look outside "I know im not here for nothing."

"And what ever it is i will help" fizz says as he grabs your hand and intertwins your fingers in his "no matter what and for what ever you need"

"That weapon you talked about, i need it" you say "i have a demon to kill"

Little games (polly x reader) • (cover by me) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ