murder in the basement

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     (This chapter was written with the song 'putting a spin on kill bill' by egg. So I recommend reading it with the song in the background. This chapter includes murder. If thats not your vibe scroll all the way down, there is a quick summary about what happened)

As you finish cleaning the dishes you walk to the bedroom to get dressed. A breeze brushes past you and your surroundings blurred. As your vision fades, the room becomes a store. Across the isle a woman stands next to him. His hand is intertwined with hers as they flirt with each other. Your heart quickens at the sight you quickly walk away trying not to draw attention to your self.

      You quickly pay for the food and drive home. When you get home you numbly open the car door and get the groceries. As you get inside all of the emotions cone flooding. You collapse on the floor and sob.

     You shakily get up and put the groceries away. The knife on the counter glimmers in the corner of your eye. Your mind falls blank as you pick it up. The face of your no longer boyfriend flashes in your mind as your emotions calm.

You head to the basement and stare into the dark room. The lights flicker on as you walk in. You text him that you won't be home till noon tomorrow. After a minute he texts back that he was bringing a friend over. You click the phone off and go back to planing

The door creeks open upstairs and you swing your head in that direction. You creep out of sight and hide around the corner. They see the lemonade and drink it. After they sit on the couch to watch a movie. Before it can even start they start making out. Several minutes later they pass out and you step out.

You grab the bodies and drag them to the basement. Tying them around chairs, you look at him. You smile and kiss his forehead. You stand back and grab the knife. They start to wake up and you sit on your knees in front of them. He tenses and fear fills his eyes. Before he can even say anything you start cutting. The girl beside him tries to scream but winces. Before they woke up you poured boiling water down her throat damaging her vocal cords.

When you step back from the dead body you look at her. A bloody scream weakly comes from her mouth as you tear into skin.

You wake up and calmly get ready for the day. The dream lingers on your mind and a small smile creeps across your face.

(Summary: her boyfriend cheated on her so she murdered him. As the sociopath she is she was calm and then murdered the girl as-well.
So you can assume that the paper she filled out earlier in the story the answer to the first question was yes🤭)

Little games (polly x reader) • (cover by me) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora