Poly relationship?

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You hear a knock on the door, "Y/N its fizz" you open the door and hug him. The smell of lemons and a hint of firewood tingles your nose. You take a deep breath and let him in. He sits on your bed and pats his lap. You smile and gently sit down. You lean your head against his chest.

You hear the light sound of gears turning. You lay there for a bit in silence. He starts humming a song quietly. You nuzzle closer almost making a purring noise. A blush creeps on your face. A chuckle vibrates off hid chest.
You burry your face in his shirt in embarrassment.

You think back to how the other fizz looked at you at breakfast. "Did you see how the other fizz looks at me." You feel guilty because deep down... you feel the same. But you still love fizzy.

"Yes, honestly. Im glad." You look at him confused. "That means he likes you. I prefer he like you than hate you. Ozzie too." He brushes a strand if hair behind your ear. "You like him too, don't you?" You look down and nod. He smiles and kisses your forehead. "I am ok with a open relationship." You look at him.

"Ate you sure?" You cup his head in your hands. "You don't have to." He smiles and shakes his head.

"I know, but I also know I cant give you all the love you deserve. Because you deserve all if hell. And if it makes you happy that's enough for me. And you are still mine." He hugs you tight. "I don't mind sharing." He kisses you and rests his forehead against yours.

"Ok." You snuggle him and relax.

"Thank you for telling me." He chuckles. "I really don't like it when a author makes a story drag out because of no communication." You are confused about that but shrug it off.

Little games (polly x reader) • (cover by me) Where stories live. Discover now