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   Stella is a good fighter but compared to you she is weak. You know how to fight, you had to fight your way to the top and fight to stay there,and occasionally fight a rogue animatronic.

    You dive left as she tries to strike you, you spin and point your blade at her throat. She stills, then relaxes "you are quite good, what is you name?"

   "My name doesn't matter what does is that you give me what I want" you glance at Fizz who sits grumpy because the fight is over. You set the sword on the floor with the point on the floor ready to pick it up if needed.

   She summons a gun, it sparkles a pink in the light. "I am expecting another fight." You take the gun and toss it in the air where it disappears to a place where you can summon it at will.

   Fizz gets up from the floor and links his arms in yours. You both walk out. Inside you are happy that you are ready to kill somebody, when you get outside fizz kisses your cheek "you are a wonderful fighter."

Little games (polly x reader) • (cover by me) Where stories live. Discover now