Chapter 21

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The next day I was awoken by a little body jumping on my bed.

“December! Wake up! Christmas tree time!” May yelled as she jumped on my bed already fully clothed. I looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was 8 o’clock in the morning.

“May, what are you doing up?” I asked, blinking a few times, trying to wake up.

“We need to go Christmas tree shopping!” She yelled. I laughed.

“Shh mom is sleeping. Is Faith awake.”  I asked sitting up. She shook her head jumping off my bed with a big, thud.

“Well I’ll get dressed, you go wake her up the same way you woke me up okay?” I asked her as I began to get out of bed.

“Okay!” She said before running out of the room closing my door loudly, good thing mom is a heavy sleeper.

I quickly got dressed throwing on random but warm clothes and quickly brushing my hair and putting on some eyeliner. Just as I put on my eyeliner May came bounding into my room.

“She’s awake!” She said jumping up and down. “Lets go!” She said grabbing my hand and dragging my hand. I smiled at her as we ran into Faith in the hallway. She was dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt and a hat that matched the hat on my head but in black instead of gray.

“Are we leaving?” She asked groggily, blinking her eyes a few times.

“Yes!” May answered jumping up and down  before running into the kitchen to get her jacket and boots on. Both Faith and I smiled at her and slowly followed.

On the way to the Christmas tree farm that week live by May wouldn’t stop jumping up and down. She loved Christmas just like me, we all love Christmas. But Usually Dad or sometimes Mom took us Christmas tree shopping but of course this year it isn’t happening.

When we arrived May ran out of the car making Faith and I laugh as we got out of the car. It didn’t take us long to find the right tree. On the way home May was just as excited to decorate the tree as she was to get it. I just hoped it wouldn’t fall of the car or hit something on the way home.

As soon as we got home Faith and I had to take the tree off the car and bring the tree inside and put it on the tree stand already stood up.

We put on the Christmas music and decorated the tree making sure to put tree in a place where Dad wouldn’t get to when he was drunk. We forgot about all that stuff and problems and just decorated the tree and the house and even made cookies. It was a good day till the phone rang.

“hello?” I asked as I sat down on the couch.

“December? Its mom. I am coming home in a little bit but so is a our lawyer to talk to you about who you and Faith want to live with because you guys are old enough to choose. Okay?”

“Okay.” “Love you too bye”

“May, Faith.” I yelled as I hung up the phone. May came in running into the living room, Faith walked behind her.

“What?” Faith asked, plopping down on the couch.

“Mom is coming home in a little bit with the lawyer. She is coming to talk to you and me about who we want to live with.” I told her as May sat down on my lap.

“What are going to say?” Faith asked acting more interested as she sat up in her seat and pushing her brown hair out of her eyes.

“We are going to choose mom of course. We are going to say because Dad has come home drunk a few times, is never home, ignores us a lot, and mom takes care of us mom and acts more like a parent then dad does. If she asks about anything else either wing it or follow my lead.”

Faith nodded. I could tell that she rather just tell the truth but didn’t go against what I said. I turned to May who was looking at me from my lap.

“As for you say nothing about Daddy hurting me okay?” May nodded.

“Just agree with us and act like yourself okie dokie?” I asked smiling at her. She smiled too.

“Okie dokie Smokey.” She said before getting up and going back to her room.

I closed my eyes and leaned back with a sigh.

“We can’t lie forever you know.” Faith said next to me. I opened my eyes to see her looking at me intently.

“I know.” I replied quietly.

“When are we going to tell the truth?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know but soon probably after Christmas.” I replied calmly. She gave me a skeptical look before sighing and leaving the room.

When Mom and the Lawyer came home, May, Faith and I were playing operation with the TV on Miracle on 34th Street the newer version that was made in 1994.

“Hi Girls.” My mom said as the lawyer and her entered the room.

“Hi Mom.” We all said before standing up to greet our guest, it was like we were in an old TV show except no crazy husband that says honey I’m home.

We’ve met the lawyer before, Ms. Clark, she was probably in her early thirties and had long blond hair that was always in a pony tail when we saw her and she wore either dresses or suits.

“Okay well I am going to go in my room and change and then check my email on the computer. Ms. Clark is going to ask you a few questions.” My mom said before leaving the room. Even though she tried to hide it when she spoke I knew she was worried I knew she wanted us to pick her, especially because May can’t choose so are decision will influence who she mostly lives with.

“So girls how are you?” Ms. Clark asked as we sat on the couch, May in my lap, muting the TV and she sat in Mom’s recliner.

“Good.” Faith and I responded with monotone voices. Ms. Clark sighed, we never were very welcoming to her, we like her to just get to the point and leave, she likes to beat around the bush and try to get to know us like she will know us forever even though she will only know us for a year if that.

“Okay let’s just cut to the chase. A big part of divorce is custody of the kids. Your mother would like all three of you to live with her and only visit your father when you want to or when he requests. We haven’t spoken to your father yet but we would like to know who you, Faith and December, would like to live with because you are old enough to choose.” She said sounding a little board probably getting tired of working with divorcing families.

“Mom” Faith and I answered. She nodded her head.

“Do you want to visit your dad at all?” She asked looking bored.

“No.” Faith and I answered again. She looked at suspiciously.

“Why?” She asked as she wrote in her notebook.

“Because he has come home drunk a few times.” I began as May played with my hands.  

“And he is rarely home.” Faith added in.

“Not to mention he rarely talks to us. I don’t think he would want us over at all anyway.” I added. Ms. Clark nodded.

“That’s understandable. Sometimes in divorces only one parent really wants the kids the other one grows apart from them.” She said. After a few more unimportant questions she talked to May who didn’t say anything about Dad coming home drunk every night. Soon Ms. Clark was on her way after a quick chat with my mother.

That night I slept with nightmares of what would life be like if we Dad was given custody. If he ever had custody of us I don’t know what I would do. 


I am soooo sorry that it has taken me forever to post. But I had run out of ideas and had a major writters block for this story. I still don't have alot of ideas for the next few chapters I do have Ideas for the ending though. So if you guys have any ideas that might spark something in me I would love to hear them.

Thank you for all the votes. I am amazed that you guys like this story. Thank you soo much. 

I hope the wait for the next chapter won't be so long. :)

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