Chapter 23

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"So what happened Friday with you and Tyler?" I asked as we sat down on the school floor.

She sighed moving her burgundy -maroon hair out of her face.

"When I went to help him get ready for his date I of course wasn't in the best mood and he caught on to that I wouldn't leave me alone about it." "So finally I broke" She talking quietly.

"What did you tell him?" I asked my sound level matching hers.

"I told him that he needs to stop looking for something that was right in front of him. He didn't understand of course so I told him that I was done trying and left." She said looking down at the floor. I hugged her.

"I think I messed up." She whispered into my shoulder.

"Don't worry. Things will turn out fine. Tyler is smart he will figure things out don't worry about it." I said pulling away and smiling at her.

"Thanks but how do you know?" she asked looking at the floor.

"Does a hurricane last forever?" She looked up with a confused look.

"Does a hurricane last forever?" I asked again she shook her head no.

"Exactly and after the hurricane there will be some after math but you still have your good days and eventually everything is cleaned up and your back on your feet." I responded. She smiled and pulled me into a huge hug.

"You are the best friend ever." She said as we pulled away.

"Thanks." I said smiling.

"So can I stay?" Eli asked as he finished putting May's booster seat back in my mother's car.

"I have to clean the house." I replied snuggling closer to my jacket it was freezing out here.

"So I can help." He said smiling as he shut my mom's car door and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to the house.

"Fine but you have to leave when my mom does for work." I reply as we entered the warm house.

"Sure." He said as we took off our jackets.

"So are you hungry?" I asked as I began to clean the kitchen counter.

"No thanks. You should eat though." He said as he began to help me clean.

"I'm fine." I replied.


For the rest of night we cleaned the kitchen while listening to Christmas music. Sometimes we would dance around the kitchen like idiots. It felt great to be with him, I admit it and It didn't feel like work.

"Superman is so better then Spiderman" Eli said as I made dinner so Mom could have some before she left.

"No. Spiderman is amazing. He can shoot spider webs from his hands."

"So Superman is from another planet and can fly."

"yeah and he wears his underwear over his clothes." I said as I finished making dinner and put it on plates for everyone including Eli. 

"So? It's a fashion statement." He said before thanking me for the food and digging in to the pizza I made from a package of pizza dough you buy at stores.

"Sure It is." I said before getting my sisters and mother and beginning to eat.

Me and Eli were cuddling in front of the TV watching Spiderman 3 that luckily happened to be on TV tonight, helping me prove my point that Spiderman was better than Superman. Just then my mother walked in front of the TV blocking our view.

"Okay. I am leaving. Eli it was nice to see you but if you stay more then 10 minutes after I leave I will kill you. Now good night. December make sure he leaves before you father gets home and make sure May and Faith get there homework done, you too. " She said smiling at us.

"All right mom."

"Okay, bye. Love you." She said as she began to walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"Love you too." I called.

"Nice to see you." Eli called before my mom shut the door and left.

"So why does your mom not want me to stay long?" Eli asked as the movie went to commercial.

"Because she doesn't want Dad to come home and see you and me he will freak out and she wants you to get home before it gets too dark." I practically lied. I knew Mom really didn't want Eli to see Dad come home drunk if he did and I knew Dad would come home drunk and beat me so I needed Eli to leave so nothing bad would happen to him.

"Oh. Well do you want me to leave?" He asked taping my nose as he said you.

"Nooo but I have things to do and I don't want to get in trouble not to mention your parents are probably thinking you died." I said smiling at him.

"I guess you right. But I don't want to leave can't I just stay a little longer?" He asked. I looked at the clock to see that Mom left later then she usually does and that dad would be home in about 30 minutes.

"Nope. Time for you to go home." I said getting up and trying to pull him off the couch.

"Why?" He asked suddenly. I dropped his arm and looked at him oddly. He was so good I knowing there was more then there seemed, I loved it and hated it.

"What do you mean?" I asked pretending that if he didn't leave soon that my father would come home and probably beat us both.

"Why do you want me to leave so badly?" He asked, tilting his head. I made a fake but real sounding sigh.

"Because I want to follow my mom's rules and my father is coming home soon." I replied.

"You Know I haven't met him yet. Can I?" He asked. He was challenging he knew there was more to this and he wanted to see if I would let him know more.

"Not tonight. He would go crazy if he knew his 3 daughters were home alone with a boy. So please go so I don't get in trouble." I said giving him small puppy dog eyes. He sighed and stood up knowing he would never get anywhere in this argument.

"Okay" he said grabbing on my hand and dragging me to the kitchen.

"Thanks for helping me clean." I said as he put on his jacket and opened the door.

"No problem. I'll do it anytime." He said before pulling me in for a slow, gentle kiss before pulling away.

"Night" he said with a smile.

"Night." I said smiling back.

He walked to his car, waved and got in. And as soon as he cared started to back up my Dad pulled in next to his car, 20 minutes early.

That's when my blood went cold.


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Thank you soo much. :)

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