Chapter 18

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The next day my alarm woke me up at 8:15. I quickly turned it off not wanting to wake up mom or dad who amazingly were both home. I quickly got dressed and put on some eyeliner and brushed my hair. I woke up Faith and May who I was going to take to church.

By the time we got to the car it was nine. May was wearing a pretty black skirt and a long sleeve red sweater. Faith wore black dress pants and a blue button down top under a black sweater. She dressed better for church then I did when I had to go to church. I just wore whatever clean jeans I had and a random t-shirt and sweatshirt.

"I still don't get why you don't go. The Sunday school teachers ask about you all the time and so does the youth group director Hailey. You remember Hailey don't you?" Faith asked. You see I stopped going to church last year.  Dad use to always take us but he made us go to early service but when he and mom started fighting he stopped taking us to church so mom just woke us up and I would go to Sunday school and we would stay for late service sometimes. I didn't really have any friends in youth group so I just stopped going. I still believed in God although I sometimes have my doubts.

"I just don't fit in besides the pastors only really relate to the elderly. Now go and make sure to get May from her Sunday school class." I told her as I pulled up to the church. May got herself out of the booster seat.

"May make sure not to cause any problems for Faith, okay? And be good to your teacher alright?" She nodded smiling before walking in front of the car and grabbing Faith's hand. They waved to me, I waved back and then drove off. I did this almost every Sunday and some Sundays I had to drive Faith back later for a Youth Group meeting or Youth Group activity. When they go to church I usually get breakfast from a fast food place or go shopping. Today I decided to go shopping so I could take the girls to get food after church. But I should have gotten breakfast.

I was in Wal-Mart getting groceries when I saw Eli in the same aisle as me. I didn't want to talk to him yet I felt bad for running like that but I'm just not ready for a relationship. So I quickly grabbed the stuff I needed from that aisle and went to the next one. I went though each aisle quickly and I made it through all the food aisle's but I had to stop at one of the little fridges by the checkouts and get a vanilla frappuccino. 

"December," I heard his voice call out. I sighed and turned around.

"Hey," I said weakly.

"Hey," he said back.  After that it was just awkward silence. I sighed and decided to break it.

"Look, I'm terribly sorry about yesterday. I really had a good time I'm just not ready for a relationship yet."

He smiled at me, "its fine don't worry." Even though he was smiling I could tell in his eyes he was hurt.

"Thanks." I said smiling but I felt terrible for hurting him.

"No problem. See you tomorrow at school." With that he walked away I sighed and went to check out.

The next day none of my friends knew about the date I had with Eli but I had to tell someone about what was going on so as Emily and I walked to lunch I pulled her over to a corner and told her about it.

"You need to stop being so scared. Eli is a good guy we all think he is a good guy. We thought He  was a bad guy none of really liked him after a while. I never liked him."

"So I just can't Em," I said shaking my head. She shook her head too.

"Yes you can. You kissed him, you want him. The way you described him holding you I know you want him. Just go on a few more dates with him, get to know him more before anything else happens."

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