If I can't save Myself AtLeast I Can save Them Ch.11

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As soon as Riley, Ashton, Emily and I entered the party I went up to where they had the drinks and started to drink some vodka.

"December shouldn't you at least wait some?" Emily asked giving me a worried look. I just shrugged.

"Does it really matter?" I replied before taking a giant chug from the bottle. I quickly finished the bottle and threw it in the nearby trash can.

After a few hours of dancing, which hurt my ankle but I didn't care and a lot of drinking with Riley I was drunk and dancing crazily and screaming. Somehow with my drunken mind I was still smart enough to not life my shirt up or roll up my long sleeves.

Right now I was jumping up and down screaming to the song and Riley was right next to me who was flaying her arms around.

"December! Riley!" I wildly turned my head and saw Emily looking at me and Riley with a disappointed look.

"Hey!!! Isn't this fun!! Dance with me!" I said running up to her and grabbing her hands and trying to make her dance as I danced and jumped.

"No come one it's time to go." She said pulling her arms away.

"But this is sooooooooooooooooo much fun!!!" Riley said jumping next to me.

"wooo!" I screamed and started dancing with Riley. Emily just sighed and walked away but she was back a minutes later with Ashton and Adam who had worried looks. 

"Look Riley! Its Adam and Ashhhhhhh!" I said pointing.

"Hi!!!" Riley said waving her hand in their faces. "Oh I don't feel good." Riley said and then a second later she was running to the trash can and threw up.  Then I started to feel sick to. I quickly ran to the trash can and threw up with her.

I heard noised behind us and saw Ashton holding to giant plastic bags and handed one to me and one to Riley.

"We are going now." Adam said and stared to push me and riley to the door and outside.

"But I want to stay!" I yelled

"Me true!" Riley said but then I threw up in the bag.

"Um no lets go." I heard Emily say as we walked in the cold whether to someone's car. They quickly got us in and put are coats around are shoulders.

"Hey it's Deeesemberr!" Riley said pointing at me with the one hand that wasn't holding the bag.

"Its Rrrrilley!" I said pointing at her we both laughed for no reason.

"So who is going to sit with the drunks back there?" Emily asked getting in the driver's seat.

"Not me!" Ashton yelled and run to the passenger's seat.

"oh come one babe!" Adam said as he scooted in next to us and shut the door.

"I love you baby!" Ashton said.

"I love you too!!" Riley yelled.

"Oh my gosh its Adaaaam!" I said pointing at Adam. On the way to Ashton's house we puked a few more times but somehow I amazingly fell asleep.

"December!" I heard someone yell and someone shaking me. I felt something soft and airy under me and there was something soft above my head and a killer head ache was beginning.

"What!" I said groggily.

"Wake up" It was Ashton.

"I am." I replied not moving.

"Okay well get up and get dressed wear what you want. There is some aspirin and a 2 glasses of water one for you and Riley get up and get ready." She said and then she was gone.

I groaned and got up. I looked over too see Riley sitting up. I didn't know if my cover up was gone or not so I quickly got up trying not to look at her. I went to the dresser and quickly took the aspirin and drank the water.

"What are you going to wear?" Riley asked as she stood next to me and took some aspirin for herself.

"I don't know but I think I am going to do my make up first." I said and started to walk to the door.

"Okay." She replied as I left the room and quickly headed to very familiar bathroom. I was here way too much.  I quickly put on cover up and foundation on my badly bruised face which hopefully healed soon. Then I quickly used Ashton's black eyeliner and her black and bright blue eye shadow.

After getting dressed in a pair of Ashton's gray skinnines and a shirt with a smiley face on it I quickly did my hair and then we all headed to school. 

"Neither of you are a loud to get drunk again." Emily said to us as she drove. Riley and I were in the back seat of her car and Ashton was in the passenger's seat. Me and Riley were trying to sleep and hoping are headaches would go away and our blood shot eyes would be gone by the time we got to school because we used eye drops.

"Yeah sure, good luck with that." Riley replied.

"Seriously that was so dumb you know what can happen if you get drunk at a party." Ashton said as I felt the car turn.

"So it didn't happen okay." I said getting a little irritated.

"So what if we weren't there?" Emily asked. I opened my eyes in irritation, Riley's eyes were open too she look annoyed.

"You guys have been drunk at a party before too so you have no room to talk." Riley said getting angry.

"Really it's a two way street." I said quoting my mother.

"We just worry about you guys that's all gosh." Ashton said getting mad that we pointed that out.

"Well don't" I said as I closed my eyes again. As soon as Emily parked the car Riley and I quickly got out of the car and both of us slammed our door and walked together to the school.

"Eyes?" I asked looking at her real quick.

"There fine, mine?"

"Fine." I replied as we entered the school. "Want to skip first period with me?" Riley asked me as we put our stuff away in our lockers.

"Why not, where are we going though?" I asked as I shut my locker door.

"I got an extra pair of Tyler's car keys." She said pulling out the keys from her pocket. "He always parks where no one will see him if he skips." She replied putting the car keys back in her pocket.

"Sure, but how did you get a pair of his keys?" I asked leaning against my locker.

"Asked him for a pair if I ever wanted to skip class." She replied. Just then the bell rang and we quickly snuck out of the building to the back where Riley unlocked Tyler's car and quickly warmed it up.

"So..... Why did you say yes to Eli?" Riley asked after a few minutes of silence. I sighed knowing I had to answer this question eventually.

"Actually I'm not sure why I said yes. It's just he is trying to be my friend and having another friend is not a bad thing "I replied looking out the car watching as snow fell on the ground.

"Well, I talked to him after he asked you yesterday." Riley began; I turned to look at her with curious eyes. "I asked him why he asked you on a date completely out of curiosity and he replied something about her is different she needs someone to lean on and I feel like I could help her, as a friend. He added as a friend after a few moments of silence." Riley said

I sighed in frustration. "He doesn't even know me that well all he knows is I had a bad and serious relationship and that I love My Chemical Romance he can't be that interested." I replied looking back out the windshield.

"So?" Riley asked. I just sighed and then looked at the car clock.

"The bell is going to ring, let's go." I said before I left the warmth of the car and Riley turned off the car. As we walked back to the school I tried to figure out why Eli is so interested in me, as well for the rest of the day, I never figured it out.


Sorry if this isnt the best It was kind of a filler again except for the end and If you didn't like the part where they were drunk Im sorry im not the best writer when it comes to the charcter being drunk. Please still vote. Please comment. Thanks.

Who Will Save Her? *new Title*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang