Chapter 17

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"Hey Shadow. What do you have today?" I asked Shadow. We were standing in the alley that Shadow always sells his products. Even when the sun was still out it was hard to see his face he had his hood up.

"Hey you want alcohol right?" He asked. I nodded. He nodded back before turning around and searching though his car. He pulled out a brown bag that held a bottle like always.

"Vodka, want all?" He asked with a blank face.

"All." I replied giving him the cash. He nodded and handed me the bag.

I took the bag and opened the bottle keeping it inside the bag. I took a big chug from the bottle, the sting of the alcohol in my throat felt good. "Aha" I said as I closed the bottle.

"Bad day?" he asked leaning against his old rusty car.

"You could say that." I replied leaning against the cold alley wall.

"You want to talk about it?" and I did talk about it. Shadow has probably heard so many people's problems and probably has been problems worst then anyone's but he always listens. I think that's a reason kids always go to Shadow he is there to listen.

So I spent an hour and half talking to Shadow and him talking to me.

"December, you should give the boy a chance he seems like a good guy. Don't throw away something great as this because you're scared." He said. I nodded taking a swig of the bottle that I had held most of the time.

"Thanks." I said before walking away putting the bag in a small book bag shadow gave me cause I didn't have a bag to hide the brown bag.

When I got home it was six. Mom was gone working late shift tonight on a Saturday. As soon as I entered the warm house I quickly hid the vodka in my closet where no one would find it. When I re-entered the living room Faith was in there watching TV.

"Are you going to make dinner?" She asked looking at me quickly before looking back at the TV. Something was off with her.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked. She shrugged.

I sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't look at me but nodded.

"Sweetie, I'm not an idiot, what is wrong?"

"I'm fine." She replied looking at me with a serious expression but I knew in her eyes she wasn't fine. I have lied like that for years I was an expert and knowing when someone was lying about how they feel. But before I could answer the door slammed open. I forgot Dad got out of work early on Saturday.

"Go." I said quickly to Faith. She looked worried but did as I said and turned the TV off before running to May's room. I heard the click of the door and quiet murmuring.

He stumbled into the room.

"Hi, Daddy." I said hoping it would calm him down.

"Hi, Desember" he said hissing and slurring the s if that was possible. "You know what I learned today?" he asked with a mean sneer.

"What?" I asked coldly.

"Your mom is a no good whore who is scared to face the music and leaves you, a fucking slut, instead." He said furiously. He grabbed my arm and threw me off the couch.

"Are you ever going to put up a fight?" He yelled kicking me in the stomach. I didn't do or say anything. He just huffed and picked me up by my wrist he had an iron grip on it. I bit my lip in pain but didn't say a word.

"You are a worthless bitch." He spat before letting go off my wrist and pushing me into the wall. I sighed as the night slowly moved on. He yelled many insults at me but I just tried to not listen which was hard when lots of the insults when didn't contain anything of my mother sounded a lot like insults I had before. So as the night progressed and my body kept getting hit and thrown so was my mind as it went back to time much like this except with a younger boy who was just as angry. And finally when my father was done, he gave me a disgusted look and stalked off to his room. I just sat there and cried from the pain and the memories it was a quiet cry so no one would hear me.

I don't know how long I sat in a ball on the floor crying but sooner or later, Faith left May's room and entered the living room. She didn't say anything but she sat down next to me and hugged me as I cried. She didn't know why I was crying she probably thought because of Dad although that was right that wasn't all. And one thing crossed my mind as I Faith hugged me, I'm the older sister I am suppose to be helping her. So I took a deep breath whipped my eyes and pulled away from her.

"Thanks" I said to her. She said nothing but the look in her eyes was full of worry.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded.

I sighed, "I know you're lying but that's fine. Everything will be okay tomorrow is another day." I said patting her hand before getting up and heading to my room. As I walked down the hall I felt Faith's eyes staring a whole into my head as I walked away. I just kept my head up although I wanted to fall.


Two in one night wooo! So did you like it? Do you love it? Do you hate it? Tell me. I would love feedback good or bad. and Please Vote! Thanks

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