chapter 14

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"So thanks that was a nice night." I said to Eli as he pulled into my driveway, my dad's car not there thank goodness.

"No problem." He said smiling.

"Okay so now I am going to go and you are going to stay here and not walk me to the door because this is not a date, okay?" I asked Eli. He smiled but nodded.

I smiled back at him and left his warm car to enter the freezing winter weather. I quickly ran up to the front door and waved bye to Eli before he pulled out. As soon as his car drove by I entered the house.

As soon as I shut the door I heard fast footsteps and then May's little blond head and she ran and hugged me. She was in her pink PJ's.

"Hi Sweetie shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked hugging her back.

"Yeah but do you love him?" She asked jumping up and down. I smiled at the excited little girl.

"Come here." I said as I put my arms around her and picked up the 50 pound girl. I quickly carried her to the couch and sat her down next to me. For 50 pounds she is heavy.

"Honey, you can't just love a guy after one date. You have to get to know them. Love is a very complex thing." I said looking at her.

"Oh. Well will you ever love him?" She asked smiling still.

I smiled back at the blue eyed little girl.

"Maybe one day, now go to bed." I said she smiled and hugged me before walking back to bed.

I smiled as I walked down the hall. I stopped in front of Faith's room to hear a werid noise come from behind her door. I sighed and opened the door to see Faith trying to take the screen out of her window.

"Breaking out?" I asked closing the door.

Faith jumped back in surprise. I smiled and sat down on her made rainbow bed.

"So where you going, joining the circus?" I asked smiling at her while patting the space next to me. She sighs closes the window and sat next to me.

"No." She replied.

"So where you going then?" I asked

"A party." She replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Why didn't you just tell mom you were going to friends?" I asked.

"I tried she said no because you were out on a date and would need someone to help with May if Dad came home so she could talk to him." She replied.

"Oh, well if I were you, I would stay home. I tried sneaking out to a party once, got caught. Mom didn't believe me when I said I was going to friends for a while. Couldn't go anywhere for a really long time. So trust me, not going to one party won't kill you." I told you standing up.

She sighed. "I guess you're right.' She said

"Well go to bed. Have you ever even gone to a party?" I asked her. She nodded no. "Well then I am going with you the first time don't worry you won't notice I'm there. Night."  I said and then left her room knowing she wouldn't leave. I hated talking about parties with her. She's my little sister just because she's 14 and I go to parties doesn't mean I want her to. I started going when I was 14 but I didn't have anyone looking out for me besides I know what happens at those parties don't want that to happen to your little sister. I know I won't be able to stop her though.

I open my bed room door and plop down on my bed quickly after shutting my door and turning on the lights. Soon after my phone starts to ring, I sigh and get up to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked too lazy to look at the caller ID.

"How did it go?" Riley asked excitedly.

"It was fun." I replied laying back on my bed.

"Awesome did you like the light- shoot." She said quickly shutting herself up. I laughed.

"You gave him the idea to take me there didn't you?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Possibly, not that it matters. You had fun, right?" She asks

"Yup." I said popping the p.

"Well that's good. You guys are so cute together." She said.

"Stop. Rewind. Delete. We are just friends, Riley. Just friends." I said to her sitting up

"But you guys would be perfect for each other perfect." She said staring to complain.

"No Riley. No. I don't care." I said starting to get irritated. Riley noticed it even though all she heard was my voice.

"Look," She began, sounding calmer trying to calm me down. "I talked to him today."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Um, yeah, I felt like there was more too why he was taking you so I asked."

"And?" I asked confused and curious.

"He said after learning that about you he is interested and he wants to help you. He wants to learn more about you. He says there is something about you that interests him. You should give the guy a chance."

"Why? Why should I give him a chance?" I asked frustrated. Why can't people just leave me alone? I can't let anyone else in. I can't. It's hard enough to lie to them and I don't want to get hurt again.

"Because he could save you." She said.

"I don't need saved." I said sullenly.

"Yes you do." Riley said back forcefully.

"No, no I don't" I replied and then I hung up and threw my phone on the bed in anger. I quickly got changed and went to bed thinking of anything away from this confusing life.


so I hope you guys like this chapter hopefully i will have another one up soon. This one was sorta of a filler but even fillers are important. And just a warning this story will probally have a ton of chapters. I hate when storys only have like 10 chaptes. i dont know why :)

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