If I can't save Myself atleast I can Save Them ch.13

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"Wear this!" Faith said pulling at black lacey skirt out of my closet with a tank top and sweater.

"Gosh, no. I can't believe you would even pick that out. I mean we don't have the same style but you never wear anything like that." I said looking up from my homework.

"So I would if I was going on a date." She said hands on hips.

"Right. Now get out and let me pick out my own outfit okay?" I asked putting my pencil down on the bed and getting up.

"Fine." She said grumbling as she shut my bed room door. I sighed and quickly looked through my closet.

I put on some blue skinny jeans that I ripped myself then a black loose fit t-shirt with the word loser on it and an arrow the same color as my jeans. I pulled the shirt down my shoulder some so you could see my purple tank top strap. I put on my sweatshirt, my one blue and one purple converse.

I re-applied my eyeliner and my eye shadow and then straightened my dark black hair I smiled as myself, I felt so bright especially with the purple in my hair.

"December honey, there is a handsome young man here to pick you up." My mother yelled from the kitchen. I smiled at myself one more time before walking out into the kitchen. Eli was standing in the kitchen his black hair like it always was. He smiled at me although Faith was looking at him with curios eyes and May was talking to him. As I entered the kitchen my mother looked at my outfit she shook her head but she smiled at me.

"Okay now make sure she is home by 11 okay?' My mother asked. Eli nodded.

"Okay let's go." I said grabbing my coat and my phone.

"Wait, wait." May said after me. I quickly turned around and kneeled down.

"yes?" I asked her. She came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"I like him he is nice. You should love him." As she pulled away I just laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Well you will just have to wait and see." I said to her before I left the house. I quickly entered Eli's car which was warm and still running.

"Your family is nice." Eli said as he began to drive down the road as snow fell.

"And crazy." I said leaning forward and changing the station.

"What are you doing?" He asked glancing at me.

"Changing the radio to Christmas music." I replied as I sat back in my seat after finding the right station. "So where are we going to eat?" I asked

"Well because you can't eat inside of Domino's, Bob Evans" Bob Evans is a restaurant that is all over Ohio not sure if its in other states. It's sort of like a Denny's or Ihop.

"You talked to one of my friends didn't you?" I asked as we passed a house full of Christmas lights.

"You can't prove anything."

"Right and what are we doing after that?" I asked turning to face him.

"Surprise." He said smiling but kept his eyes on the road.

"Cliché." I replied

"What's wrong with Cliché?" he asked.

"Nothing but everyone does it, it's in all the books and stories." I replied.

"Well to bad it's still a surprise." He said as the song Where are you Christmas started to play and I smiled.

As it began to play I started to sing with the song.

"Where are you Christmas?

Why can't I find you?

Why have you gone away?

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