If I can't save myself atleast I can Save Them Ch. 12

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I would like to say that I am sorry that it has taken me forever to upload i had this chapter typed like 2 weeks ago but didnt upload it cause i wanted to upload too and i am stuck on the chapter after this and not sure when that will come out.

ALSO i would like to thank all the people who have became my fans and who have voted for me for awhile i was getting disappointed but then today I saw I had one more comment and more votes and it made me smile. I love you guys keep commenting and voting.

Merry Late Christmas. :-)


When I got on the bus to go home I saw Faith sitting at her regular seat waiting for her friend Lisa. I quickly sat next to her.

"Yes?"Faith asked turning to me.

"How did last night go?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Dad came home drunk, and Mom yelled at him and told him he should never come home drunk. She kicked him out for the night."

"That it?" I asked. I was really worried something bad happened.

"Mom asked me if Dad had come home drunk before." She said quietly.

"What did you say?" I asked. I didn't know what would happen if Mom found out that dad came home drunk she probably kick him out but I was afraid he would still come over drunk mad because Mom kicked him out.

"I said no." Faith answered. She looked sad and scared. I knew it hurt her to lie to mom about this.

I just nodded and hugged her before walking to the back of the bus. When we got home Mom's car was gone but she would be back around four.

"So what are you going to wear to your date?' Faith asked me as I cleaned the kitchen.

"It's not a date and I don't know. Why?" I replied as I washed down the counter.

"It is so a date. And you should dress up to impress him." She said sitting on the bar stool.

"I don't want to impress him and Faith, you shouldn't have to impress a guy if he doesn't like you for you then he isn't worth it." I replied as I put the items that belong on the counter back on it and then went to clean up the kitchen table.

She just sighed but stayed there watching me clean. "Don't you have homework or something?' I asked looking up at her.

"Yes but I still think you should dress up." She said before walking away.

"You can tell me what to wear when you go on a date." I yelled back at her as I cleaned. For the next hour I cleaned the kitchen. The rest of the night went by quickly. Mom came home and made dinner as I played with May. Dad didn't come home at all.

I was about to go to bed when my mother called for me. I walked into the living room to see her watching some crime TV show.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Um last night your father came home drunk." She began her brown hair wavy from it being up all day.

"I know Faith told me."

"Well has he came home drunk before?" She asked looking worried but she also had the look of tell me the truth.

"No." I said looking straight into her eyes.

"You sure?" She asked not looking away.

"Positive." I responded. She just nodded.

"Night." I said before walking away. I felt terrible for lying about that but I knew I had to. I just knew that if I told the truth things would get worse, much worse.

The next day went by slowly. What was weird was I was kind of excited for tonight and I couldn't shake the feeling as much as I tried, although my friends did not help.

"I am coming with you." Riley said as we sat down at our lunch table.

"I am too." Emily said sitting down across from us.

"Why?" I asked taking a sip of my Gatorade. 

"Because they want you to look like a girl for your date tonight." Tyler said as he sat down next to Emily.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Don't you care at all?" Riley asked taking a sip of her water.

"If he doesn't like me for me then it's not worth it. I'm not trying to impress him anyway and if it ever does become something more which it won't, but if amazingly it does I will know he likes me for me and not for someone I am not." I replied before taking a bite of my sandwich.

They just sighed and ate.

Finally it was the end of the day. I was about to walk to the bus when Eli stopped me.

"Yes may I help you?" I asked him.

"Yes, 7 o' clock right?" He asked and began to walk next to me.

"Yup." I said keeping my head forward. "What are we doing?" I asked

"I was thinking dinner and a movie, as friends." He replied. I sighed and looked over at him.

"That's to cliché, dinner sounds good but let's do something else after that."

"Sure like what."He asked turning to me as we reached the doors of the school.

"Use your imagination." I said with a smirk before walking out the school doors and onto the bus.

"Who da't?" May asked me as I sat next to her.

"That's Eli I am going out with him tonight." I said. She nodded in understanding, her dark blond pigtails swaying back and forth as she shook her head.

"So how was your day?" I asked her acting all excited. She smiled her silly grin. One of her front teeth were missing on the bottom and one on the top, it always made me smile.

"Great!" She said bouncing in her seat. I laughed as the bus began to move. All the way home May told me about her day and how she got an A plus on her spelling test.

As we got off the bus May asked me a question I wasn't ready for.

"Cember?" She asked as we started walking to the house, Faith ahead of us.

"Yes?" I asked looking at her as I walked.

"Have you ever loved before?" She asked me with the most serious face. I stopped walking and squatted next to her in the snow.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Have you ever loved a boy before?" She asked still very serious.

"Why do you ask?" I asked still very confused.

"Well today everyone was saying I liked Jonnie but I said boys were icky and Mrs. Tomas said that one day I won't think boys are icky anymore and I would love them. I asked when and she said probably when I am High school and you're in High school." She explained.

"Well, Sweetie I have never loved a boy."

"Really?" She asked sounding shocked.

"Well once but it wasn't really loved, I thought I loved him, I thought he was the one but he wasn't. I didn't really love him even though I thought I did."

"How do you know when you really love them?" she asked looking curios.

I sighed, "Um well you know when you with them for a very long time and you still feel the way you did when you first were together and when you get that special feeling and you think they are perfect even when they aren't" I responded.

"Oh. Well I hope you really love someone some day." She said smiling. I smiled back at her a true smile then I hugged her and stood back up.

"Come on lets go inside before you get a cold." I said as I grabbed her hand and we walked to the house, May talking the whole way.

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