If I can't save myself at least I can save them. Ch1

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Hopefully i will have another Chapter up soon. :-)


I took a big chug from the bottle the sting felt good. I gave back the bottle to Shadow. Of course that's not his real name but he doesn't want anyone to know his real name.

"December are you sure don't want the full bottle?" His rough voice said.

I looked at him it was too dark to see his face very good the alley didn't have very good lighting.

"Can't afford to buy it. Even for your prices." I said to Shadow as I pulled up my black hood.

He sighed. Shadow is a good guy who just got caught up in a lot of crap when he was my age. So know instead of being in his last year of college Shadow is selling alcohol, cigarettes and other things teens can't have.

Shadow sighed. "Kay well you better go then don't want the cops to catch yah." He said with a bitter laugh.

"Yah thanks shadow, see you soon." I say to him as I walk out of the alley. It was freezing without the protection of the alley walls, I quickly put my hands in my pockets and walk home.

As I get closer to my house I see that my mother's car is gone probably had to go work late shift for some reason or she didn't want to home for when my dad got home because they are in the middle of getting a divorce.

As I enter the house I smile as the heat warms up my freezing body. I see my younger sister, Faith, making eggs and bacon as I shut the door.

"Where were you?" She asks as she finishes making scrambled eggs.

"I had something to do." I say using the same line I always do.

"Sure."She said as put eggs on 3 plates. One for me, her and our little May, May was 6 and Faith was 14.

"Thanks. I promise I will make dinner tomorrow." I say as I take my plate and put some bacon on my plate before I go the living room.

"May, Dinner!" I yell as I sit down on the couch.

The little dark blond girl runs down the hall. "December!" She yells hugging me.

"Hi, sweetie pie. Now go get some food and make sure you thank Faith for making it for you."

The little girl smiled at me then ran into the kitchen.

"Thank you Faith." I heard May say as I put some eggs in my mouth.

May quickly walked to her room, smiling. Faith came in the living room and sat next to me as she took a bite of bacon.

"So where's mom?" I ask Faith as we watched the news.

"She told me she was going to work late shift so she wouldn't have to say quote 'that stupid selfish mistake I married' unquote.

I sighed. "I can't wait for this divorce to be finalized just so he can move out of here."

"I know." Faith said. The rest of the time we ate was silent except for the news tell us about the bad things happing in Ohio.

As we finished eating Faith asked a question I wish she didn't, "What were you really doing tonight?"

I sighed and pulled out the small stack of money that was in my pocket. "Getting us some money and hanging with friends." I told her. The first part was true and the second part wasn't exactly a lie if you consider Shadow a friend.

"How did you get the money?" She asked brushing her brown bangs out of her face.

"I'll tell you one day but not today." I told her as I got up and took our dishes and went to clean them.

She sighed and went to her room. "Make sure you do your homework." I yell as I start cleaning the dishes.

After washing all the dishes I was about to go do my homework when I heard a car pull in our drive way. I looked out the window hoping to see mom's car but sadly it was my fathers. Faith heard it too and she quickly ran into the kitchen. I heard the car door slam and dad grumbling to himself, not a good sign.

"Faith, go to Mays room lock the door and try to keep May distracted, okay?" I directed more then ask. She looked at me with worried eyes.

"Go." I said to her softly but my eyes were hard and stern. She nodded and ran to May's room and I heard the door lock.

I stood in the kitchen watching the door knowing if I hide it would make things much worse.

The door quickly flung open and in came my gruff, tired and drunk father.

He slammed the door and yelled "is your mom here?"

I shook my head.

"Well you will just have to do." He said as he threw his work things on the ground and I got ready for another terrible night.

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