If I can't Save MySelf At least I can Save them.ch.4

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Finally the bell rang and everyone hastily left their desks. "Bye Cember" Ashton said hugging me. "Bye Ash see you next period." I said hugging her back as we went opposite directions. As I walked I noticed someone was next to me. I looked over to see Eli walking with me.

"What do you have next?" He asked me.

"Computer Apps." I replied as I quickly went to my locker and grabbed my stuff for third period cause I was skipping second period with Emily.

"Me too" he said smirking.

"Yay for you too bad I'm skipping today." I said as we got close to the computer lab.

"Well see ya ." I said walking passed the room.

"Bye ,oh by the way nice t-shirt." He said winking. I just rolled my eyes. I quickly walked out the back doors as the bell rang. I walked to the back past a small building where Emily's car was parked luckily she was already in there with the heater running. I knocked on the passenger door. Emily quickly looked over her dyed burgundy-maroon hair falling in front of her brown eyes. She smiled and unlocked the car.

"Hey, De." She said as I quickly entered the warm car shutting the car door behind me.

I smiled at her and at the song that was playing she was listing to the new My Chemical Romance CD. She was listing to the song Na Na Na.

"So what's up?" She asked me passing me a metal water bottle filled with some type of alcohol. I took a swig from it then passed it back to her.

"New guy." I replied

"Hot?" she asked taking a chug from the bottle.

"Yes but he is overconfident and a badass." I said to her she smiled.

"Perfect for you." She said.

"I maybe a badass but I hate people who think they are better than everyone else." I replied

"Yeah but you could change that." She said passing me the bottle again.

"Why do both you and Ashton think I should go out with this guy? We don't even know anything about him." I replied taking another chug from the bottle as bulletproof heart started to play.

"Is he the guy with the My Chemical Romance t-shirt?" She asked smiling as I passed the bottle back to her.

I nodded.

"See perfect for each other." She said gesturing to my t-shirt.

"You like them too and so does Ash." I replied gesturing to her radio.

She shrugged. "I still think you should get to know him you never know."

"Why do all you want me to get a boyfriend?" I asked her seriously. They all try to get me a guy and I don't understand why.

She sighed and turned to look at me with a serious face. "Because De, you're a great person you deserve someone great too especially after..... him. When you're trying to save everyone else who is going to save you?" She asked as Sing started to play on the CD.

"I don't need saving." I replied coldly.

"Honey, everyone needs saving in some way." She replied taking another gulp from the bottle then passing it to me.

I sighed, "I don't want to deal with guys right now okay?"I replied before drinking from the bottle.

"Kay." She replied. "Are you and Ash coming to my house after school?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah but I have to take my sister home first mom let me drive her car." I replied

"That's fine do you want me to follow you home so don't have to walk?" she asked

"That would be great." I replied.

The rest of the time in the car we just listened to music, drank from the bottle and talked about random things.

"Come on the bell in going to rind in one minute." She said to me as she turned off the car and hid the bottle in her car before locking it.

"Hey do you have something on your face?" She asked. Crap she is on the side the bruises are on.

"Yeah bruises I tripped and fell yesterday.' I lied to her.

"You sure?" she asked not believing me.

"Positive, Em." I replied just as we stepped inside the warm school and the bell rang. We said are goodbyes and headed to our different classes.

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