- 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 :: yugi twins

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• REQUESTED• BULLYIN6, CU3SING☁️ :: fluff // 535════════════════════════════════

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"chub chub!"

"lose some weight fatass!"

"god she's so fat i can't see shit."

the insults grew the more you walked.. you walked up to your group of friends whom stayed quiet. "why didn't you guys defend me..?" you asked weakly, "we're sorry.." was all they could say. at this point you were pissed— "what the hell!"

the others immediately defended the girl who said "we're sorry." "what's your problem l/n!" shouted one. "you guys!" you shouted back, "we didn't do anything!" she explained as you stomped your foot- "EXACTLY! YOU GUYS DID NOTHING!" with that you ran off crying.. to the old building you went,

on the third floor in the restroom. where no one went since thats where a "ghost" or "hanako-san" lurked. you weren't one to believe in those rumors... you didn't believe in the occult nor magic. but even so you trembled, knocks echoed within the restroom. your soft trembling voice said those words:

"hanako.. san- hanako san are you there?" you spoke.. the wind picked up. and you felt a hand on your shoulder.. "here~"

  you jumped and saw a male whom had a old yukata, two black orbs, a black seal. with a hat, shivering you spoke: "are.. you- a ghost..?" pair of hands were on your shoulder behind you.. a voice whispering in your ear. "of course we are."

  shaking my you turned your head.. meeting another boy with an old uniform. the same hat.. the same seal yet it was white.

   "hanako sans of the restroom, pleasure to make your acquaintance~~" they both purred as you looked cautiously.. "hey! hey! i'm tsu-ka-sa!" tsukasa giggled as you backed away.. "i can pronounce that.."

  "good! this is my older twin brother ama- i mean hanako!" hanako bowed and smiled at you, winking.. "pleasure to meet you."

  you nodded awkwardly; "what's your wish?" hanako added- "may i please be skinny..?"

  hanako gave a questioning look.. as well as tsukasa. "as far as we can see it.. you look perfect." hanako ahem-ed. as tsukasa nodded, "your pretty! lets go out!" tsukasa smiled as you blushed almost accepting his offer. yet you regained your composure, "is my wish going to be granted or not..?" you asked with slight attitude.

  "we can't grant it cause," hanako walked and held your hand kissing it lightly, "there's no need. it doesn't matter weight, looks, body, you're perfect. no matter what they say,"

  "be you! be happy!" tsukasa said cheerfully.. you felt tears begin to swell before at the same time. "you're perfect."

  you broke.. no one.... had said that to you. not at all, and even there were people who would say those words to you.. you didn't meet them.. not yet, until now.

  "thank you.." you cried wiping those tears, hanako gave you a tissue. "no need." "we were just telling facts pretty lady!" tsukasa exclaimed and you smiled at his childishness.

  "of course.." you smiled wider, hanako smirked and tsukasa too. "you wanna know another fact?" asked tsukasa.

  "hm?" tsukasa kissed your cheek and hanako your hand, "we like you."

dont we all love- love at first sight?? 😟😟🙏

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dont we all love- love at first sight?? 😟😟🙏

dont we all love- love at first sight?? 😟😟🙏

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tysm for requesting <33

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