Chapter Twenty Eight

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When I woke up the next morning I didn't want to leave Andrews arms because that meant facing the reality of my brothers impending death. I was normally an optimistic person but I just couldn't help but think of all the bad things that could go wrong. His could slip into a real coma and never wake up or he could have permanent brain damage. Oh look I thought about it.

"Go back to sleep."Andrew demanded in his deep morning voice.

"I just woke up."I replied.

"You were turning and tossing all night so you were definitely not asleep. It's five o'clock in the morning, visiting hours don't start until nine so please try and get some sleep."Andrew pleaded.

"I don't think I can."I admitted knowing he was right but I didn't have it in me to try.

"I know of a few ways to make you feel asleep but you're brother is fighting for his life in the hospital, it'll be inappropriate."Andrew suggested and my interest was immediately peaked.

"Me being in the hospital would not stop him and I really need the distraction. I'm going crazy over here."I confessed.

"Are you sure?"Andrew asked leaning on his elbow to look at me.

"Yes I'm sure, now please."I begged.

He gave me a soft smile before disappearing under the covers and my mouth formed an o. I had no idea that's what he had in mind but I liked it, I liked it a lot. Long story short, Andrew had a wickedly talented tongue and one powerful orgasm later I passed out to a better sleep than I'd had in the night.

Andrew woke me up at eight with breakfast in bed before helping me shower and get dressed. He even picked out my outfit. The orgasm had helped me sleep but I was awake and back into zombie and worried mode. The hospital was walking distance so Andrew and I took our time getting there. It was a Sunday so we had no class and I had all the time I needed to help my brother out, figure out what happened to him and find a way forward.

Whitney was already there when I arrived and after sharing pleasantries we found a nurse who led us to Bishop's room. When we got to the door, she told us we could go in but Andrew stopped me at the door.

"You go in with Whitney, I'll wait out here."He suggested and he didn't even need to explain why.

Bishop still didn't totally like Andrew and would not be thrilled to have him by his bedside especially when he was so weak and vulnerable.

"Okay. Don't go anywhere."I demanded softly.

I was acting clingy but I didn't care, I needed all the support I could get.

"Wouldn't dream of it."He replied kissing my forehead.

I smiled then turned around before Whitney and I both walked into the room. Both of us immediately stopped in our tracks when we saw the state Bishop was in. He was covered head to toe in white plaster and his face looked bashed in. He was hooked to so many machines it was a wonder how modern medicine worked.

Whitney rushed to his bedside after overcoming her initial shock while I stood there getting more scared as the minutes passed. Seeing Bishop like that brought up memories I had worked so hard to suppress and I immediately shut my eyes trying to block them out. I would not loose someone else I loved so Bishop had to pull through, he just had to.

"Pierra what's wrong?"Whitney asked probably noticing my freaked out state.

"Nothing I just don't want to lose him."I replied getting the courage to open my eyes.

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