Chapter 24: My heart is beyond Advice

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"Miss Holland, you have a phone call on line 2." Leslie announces before transferring the call causing me to jump slightly as I look over the filming and concert schedule for next week and next month.

"This is Jade Holland." I say pressing the 'line 2' button.

"Ahh, Miss Holland. I was hoping I'd get to speak to you at some point." Just like so many times he'd speak to me in the past disdain drips off every word that pours out of his mouth.

"How may I help you, Danny?" I ask, trying my best to not match his tone and not bothering to take the phone off speaker as I continue typing up my calendar.

"I'm assuming you know the reason for my call?"

"I'm guessing it's not to offer me an internship."

"Very funny, Miss Holland. But no." Danny retorts in a clipped tone as papers rustle in the background. "I'm calling to inquire about the Instagram post and anonymous email you sent a couple weeks back."

"Danny, may I ask you something?" I stop typing as I look at the phone like he can see me.

"By all means, Miss Holland... ask away." There is the disdain again.

I hate this man, and he clearly hates me. "Danny, I have a 3-year-old son, and I'm 6 months pregnant I have to set an example for both my children.... Why on earth would I send you an anonymous email... even when I interned, I never did. Why start now?"

"Well, Miss Holland Billie's got several Grammy's, all of her tours have sold out; not to mention she's very successful. Why wouldn't you want to try to ruin her career?"

I internalize a sigh as Colleen opens my door quietly as I motion her in. "Danny, I'm well aware of Billie's accolades and I'm very proud of her success. I am. But, I have my own career to worry about, and quite frankly this fiasco has put mine in jeopardy."

I can hear more papers rustling, "Well, Miss Holland..."

"I'm sorry Danny, I have a meeting I need to get to. Might I suggest speaking with someone closer to Billie than I am? Have a nice day." I say cutting him off as I look at Colleen while she looks on at me as though she's proud of me for sticking up for myself.

"Very nice, Jade." Colleen says nodding in approval.

"We have a love-hate relationship." I say waving toward the phone, "he loves to hate me, and the feeling is mutual."

"He sounds like a charming individual." Colleen says rolling her eyes, "Have you finalized the filming schedule for next week?"

"Yeah." I say with a sigh, "the only problem is the United Way event is the same night as Day Glow is scheduled to film, we can move the United Way event even to the 3Ten venue because Day Glow is already confirmed."

"Sounds like a solid plan, be sure and send everything to myself and Gary before you leave today."

"Yes ma'am." I say returning to my work as Colleen turns to walk out of my office.

"Oh, and Jade?"


"Good job."

"Hi Mommy!" Chase exclaims while gently hugging my legs as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hi baby, did you and Aunt Claudia have fun today?" I ask running my hand through his curls.

"Yeah! We went to the park and the store and ate in the grass and had ice cream!"

"Wow!" I say looking at Claudia as she smiles over her shoulder.

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