Chapter 31: Something Chemical

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I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell, as I adjust the straps of my backpack admire the ornate carving patterns on the large wooden door. Part of me wants to make a run for it, but the Uber driver is long gone and I'm no longer in the comforts of my own tour bus, nor can I go to Fin and ask him what to do.

I pull my beanie off as the door opens, and a brunette with those same denim eyes as Jade and a chubby baby with big blue eyes on her hip answers the door. "Hi, can I help you?" her voice is even similar to Jade's.

"Hi... Um, is Jade here?" I ask swallowing hard. I meet people day in and day out, I shouldn't be nervous.

"You must be Billie. Come in." She says smiling as she opens the large wooden door allowing me to come into the house.

"Yeah." I say nervously as I pick up my small bag and walk into the house as her sister closes the door behind me while talking to the baby as he babbles.

"I'm Daphne, this little guy is Chase. Jade's sleeping off a migraine..." Daphne says as she leads me into a large kitchen.

"Did she drink an entire bottle of wine again?" I ask half-joking.

I hear Daphne snicker as she sets the baby in the highchair while kissing his cheek. "No, she's had bad migraines since she was a kid. Most of the time they coincide with her period, but sometimes she'll wake up with a really bad one..." she sighs. "Today was one of those days."

"How long has she been asleep?"

I sit up slowly and look over at Jade who is finally sleeping peacefully for what seems like the first time in weeks. I push myself off the bed gently, careful not to wake Jade; before I can get to the door I see Chase push the door open as he pokes his sleepy head in.

"Hey, buddy are you okay?" I ask quietly kneeling down as he makes his way over to me.

"I had a scary dream." He says wrapping his tiny arms around my neck as I pick him up and carry him out of the bedroom.

"What was the dream about?"

"Mommy was gone and there was thunder..." Chase says explaining his dream to me as I carry him downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I ask rubbing his back as I set him on the counter. "Did the thunder take mommy?"

"Yeah." He says looking down at his feet as they dangle.

"We won't let anything happen to mommy, okay?" I ask placing my hands on his cheeks. "I promise."

"Okay." He says nodding.

"Now, how about I make us some cookies?"

"Yeah!" He says enthusiastically as he kicks his feet against the counter.

I watch as Chase eats another peanut butter cookie while I quietly clean up the small mess, we made making the cookies.

"What's burning?" I hear Jade ask causing me to jump slightly.

"Hi mommy!" Chase exclaims as Jade walks into the kitchen.

"Hi baby." she says, sleep still evident in her voice as she brushes his curls off his face.

"We made cookies." I say holding up the plate of cookies proudly with a smile.

"At 3 in the morning?" She asks cocking her head as she takes a deep breath.

"I couldn't sleep, and Chase had a bad dream."

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