Chapter 25: I don't know where to Start

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"Billie, I told you I really don't want to hear it. Please, you did me this favor by talking to Chase and I appreciate that, you don't owe me anything else, so thank you. Goodnight, Billie." Jade says giving me a small tight-lipped smile before hanging up.

"Dakota, posted those photos..." I say to the 3 beeps as my shoulders slump against the pillows. "Fuck!"

I toss my phone onto the bed and bury my head in the pile of pillows next to me to muffle the frustrated scream as I feel my phone vibrate against my ankle. I sigh loudly and look at my phone hoping that it's Jade, though lately I don't have that kind of luck. But, it's only Laura reminding me of a radio show I have early in the morning and that Danny will be joining us tomorrow afternoon to discuss postponing the remainder of the tour for "personal reasons."

"That was only slightly painful." I groan sliding into the SUV next to Laura as she rolls her eyes.

"We should have cancelled that interview." She says looking at her phone while the SUV pulls away from the building and back to the hotel.

"I'm fucking tired of talking about those pictures and being forcefully 'outed' by said pictures."

"Jade told me Danny called her office the other day..." Laura says lowly turning off her phone.

"Yeah, he did. I wish he'd told me he was going to ambush her like that."

"You didn't know?"

"No, I had no idea he was going to call her. I wish he'd ambush Dakota like that."

"Wait, what?"

I sigh and rub my forehead. "Dakota let it slip that quote Jade sent Danny an email, but no one ever told Dakota that." I shrug. "When I asked her, she just said Fin told her in passing, and I know my brother, he didn't say shit to her about it."

"Oh shit."

"Maybe we should include her in this meeting?"

"Might be a good idea."

"So, it's decided you want to postpone the tour?" Danny asks cleaning his glasses with the hem on his shirt.

"I think so." I sigh adjusting my beanie. "At least until after the beginning of next year."

"You're sure sweetie?" My mom asks placing her hand on my back gently.

"Yeah, but there's one person we need to talk to first."

"I spoke with Jade already." Danny says adjusting his glasses. "She denied sending the email to me, which we knew she would."

"Laura, can you ask Dakota to come in here, please?"

"Sure." Laura says getting up to walk to the door of the conference room.

"Why does Dakota need to be a part of this meeting Billie?" Danny asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"Jade didn't send you that email." I say lowly. "Dakota did."

"Sweetie, you can't just accuse people..." My mom starts to say.

"But, it's okay that Danny is accusing Jade, okay..." I roll my eyes as Dakota walks into the conference room behind Laura.

"Okay, what?" Dakota asks taking the empty seat on the other side of me.

"We're discussing postponing the remainder of Billie's tour." Danny says looking at Dakota over his laptop as I glance at Fin who's now rolling his eyes.

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