Chapter 1: And this is how it Starts

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"I'm impressed Miss Holland, you've been with the Academy this long... Why didn't you apply for this position sooner?" John asks looking over my resume, letter of intent and letter of recommendation from Nick.

"I honestly had no idea the position was available until Nick told me I should apply for it." I say nervously shaking my leg under the table.

"I'll be honest, I have 2 other applicants I'm interviewing this afternoon, and this is just a preliminary. We still have South by to get through. So, we'll talk again in a week."

"Yes sir." I nod shaking his hand once again, before leaving his large, intimidating office back down to my own little corner office.

"How'd it go?!" Hannah asks popping out of her office with a smile of her face causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"It went well, I guess?" I say walking into my office as Hannah follows me.

"He didn't give you a hint?"

"He said we'd talk after South by." I say, taking a seat at my desk. "Do we have everything set for all the interns?"

"We do."

"So, you're like my boss, right?" I think his name is Craig... asks as I look up from my phone.

"Not 'like' am." I correct him, as I wait for Aunt Sherri's reply, she took Chase to Dallas for the week and my separation anxiety is at an all-time high.

"Oh." He says trying to peek down my V-neck shirt.

"Is there something you needed to ask me?"

"Uh yeah... where did you need me? Hannah said you needed help at this venue."

"If you can help with crowd control, that'd be great. No interacting with the patrons or artists, no drinking and if I walkie you, answer me. Understood?" I say placing a small walkie-talkie in his hand.


"Great." I say nodding toward the stage with my eyes as my phone vibrates in my hand. 'Chase is fine honey. We'll be back Monday evening, stop worrying. Love you!' is all her text says. Way to ease my mind Aunt Sherri. I sigh and shove my phone into my back pocket as I look over the show case list as the venue slowly begins to fill up.

"Hey Trey, who is this AWAL artist that's going on at 10:45?" I ask looking over at the sound manager.

"No idea." He says shrugging as he adjusts his cap.


By 10:45pm I've been able to tune out the sound of the artists, because honestly, they all start to sound the same about 4 songs into their show case. I run my hand through my hair, and lean against the wall trying to keep an eye on Craig or Greg? Who has managed to flirt with every pretty girl that's walked past him, and interacted with at least 2 of the artists, I'll address it on Monday; I don't have the energy, all I want is to have a glass or two of wine, take a scalding hot shower, curl up on my comfy couch and watch bad TV.

That is until I hear it, a familiar voice accompanied by an acoustic guitar the AWAL artist.

Finneas... now I really want to leave.


"Seriously, Bil your parents will understand if we're a little late to family dinner." Dakota says as she runs the straightener through her platinum hair for the 800th time. "It's not like we don't see them enough." She says under her breath.

"We've barely seen them since we got here, Dakota." I say leaning against doorway of the oversized bathroom.

"So what? You see them all the time when we're at home. I thought this trip was for Finneas anyway?"

"Well, yeah but we missed his show-case Friday night because you wanted to see American Grime at that place...wherever the fuck it was."

"Yeah well those pretty lips weren't complaining while I was giving you the best head of your life last night." She says rolling her green eyes.

I wouldn't call it the best head I've ever had, but sure. "Can we go now? We're already 45 minutes late."

"Bout time you two show up." Fin says wrapping an arm around my shoulder kissing the top of my head as we walk to the table where my parents, brother and Claudia are already sitting.

"Good to see you again Dakota." My mom says half hugging Dakota from her half sitting, half standing position.

"Nice to see you too, Maggie." Dakota says almost too sweetly. "Sorry we're late, you know how long it takes Billie to pick out an outfit." She says sitting next to Fin before I can.

"Yeah, sorry." I say sheepishly as I hug my mom and dad tightly before taking my obligatory seat next to Dakota.

"So Finneas how was your show case?" Dakota asks as she looks over the vegan menu.

"It went really well..." He snaps. "Too bad you both missed it."

"Babe..." Claudia scolds taking a sip of her water.

"I told Billie we should check it out, but she wanted to go see this Rap group at a different venue."

What the fuck? Seriously? Fin knows I wanted to go see his showcase, it was the whole reason for me to go! "Sorry Fin, I'll make it up to you." I say picking up the menu with a sigh.

"It's okay Eilish." Fin says, looking over his menu as he shoots me a smirk.

"Look who Claudia and I ran into on the way back from the ladies' room!" My mom says as she pulls an extra chair up to the table for her to sit in. "She was waiting at the counter and I insisted she sit us with."

"I don't want to intrude." Her voice is still as soft as ever, her once electric blue hair is now a deep navy color that hangs in waves down her back as a young blond toddler clings to her hip clutching a stuffed hammerhead shark.

"It's not intruding if I invite you, sit down, sweetie." My mom says patting the chair next to her. I try not to watch her every move from over the top of my menu as she sits in the chair and helps the blond toddler crawl onto her lap; his big blue eyes lock with mine and it hits me, the hammerhead shark, the toddler on her lap is Chase.

"I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" Dakota says leaning back in her chair as she rests her arm on the back of my chair, the back of her hand brushing my arm gently.

"Oh sorry." Mom pipes up. "Dakota, this is Jade. Jade... Dakota."

"I'm Billie's girlfriend." Dakota says extending her hand to Jade.

"Nice to meet you, Dakota." Jade says breaking through the other conversations at the table as she shakes Dakota's hand.

This is not how I wanted to spend family dinner, eye to eye with my ex who is still burned in the back of my mind. While my current girlfriend is sliding her hand up and down my arm in a possessive manner.

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