Chapter 7: I act like I don't Care

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"So, we'll kick off tour in LA, on Saturday, April 16th." Danny says looking up from his laptop as he goes over the projected tour dates. Though its my tour I haven't seen any dates, cities or venues, I just hope there is at least one stop in Texas. I feel Finneas tap my shoulder, as I hear Danny ask the same question twice, but I don't know what the question is; honestly I hate meetings I'd rather be at home watching The Office for the 19th time while eating bean burritos.

"Sorry, huh?" I say shaking the thoughts out of my head.

"I asked 'Does that sound ok?' You'll have about a 3-week break in June before heading out again." Danny says half-rolling his eyes. He should know I still don't pay attention.

"Yeah, that's fine." I say resting my chin on my palm trying to pay attention... trying.

Two hours later as Danny reminds me that rehearsals start in 2 weeks the meeting is finally over and me and Fin are walking out of the conference room. Anytime I walk out of this familiar conference room part of me hopes to see Jade sitting there waiting patiently for Danny to call her in so he can reprimand her for something she did correctly, or something Sophie did incorrectly and Jade took the fall. But, Jade isn't here and there is a new intern on tour with me and Fin and if I'm being honest I don't even remember his name.

"Baby, are you home?" I hear Dakota ask as she walks into the apartment followed by a small thud and the rustling of paper shopping bags. Like she needs anymore clothes.

"In here." I say from the bedroom not bothering to look up from my sketch book as I listen to The Office in the background, as the occasional text message or email will dim the sound, I'll respond later. Maybe.

"Hey baby, how did your meeting go?" Dakota asks walking into the bedroom setting down the bags in the doorway as she leans against it running her manicured fingers through her hair, pulling a few strands out. All I can do is shrug, mainly because I didn't really pay much attention to anything that was said. "Did you ask Danny about me going on tour with you?"

I knew that question was coming, and I didn't even ask Danny, nor did I want to, did I forget? No. Did I just not want to? Yes. "I forgot to ask him. Sorry." I say without looking up from my sketchbook, hoping she'll drop the subject, but I've been dating her for too long to know she won't let this go.

And, with an irritated sigh and a hair flip she rolls her eyes, "Do you not want me to go with you?" Yes.

"No, I want you to go with me, I just forgot to ask Danny."

"So, when your little girlfriend Jane was with you it was ok....?" She says mocking Jade's name again, funny given the fact she's named after states only known for Mt. Rushmore.

"Jade was an intern, that was different." I say trying not to raise my voice. The last time I brought Jade up it ended up with Fin standing protectively in front of me telling Dakota to leave his house and Dakota's handprint around my bicep.

"What else has she done, Eilish?" Fin asks handing me a homemade ice-pack as Peaches searches the floor for a rogue piece of ice.

I sigh and hold the ice against my arm. "That time I came over here with that bruise on the back of my neck?" I can see his brows furrow in anger "That was from her nails..." I sigh. "I swore I'd never date someone abusive again..."

"So why are you dating her?" Fin asks again for the 1ooth time during mine and Dakota's relationship.

"She was just a rebound..." I finally admit. And truthfully that's all she was, a rebound right after Jade, I met her at a Meet & Greet... Typical Fanfiction typa shit. She was cute, and I needed a new distraction, I had no idea said distraction would turn into a nearly 2-year toxic relationship.

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