Chapter 14: Fragile State

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**A/N: I needed to find an outlet and writing for me is an outlet. I can not guarantee I'll update again any time soon, but here you go. Again thank you for understanding and Thank you, to Brooke and Kate for checking-in and making sure I'm ok.**


"All I'm saying is I'd want to know if you were pregnant regardless of how you told me." I hear Fin say to Claudia.

"Look babe, I know you and your sister tell each other everything... And I know how Billie feels about Jade.... Please let Jade tell her if and when she's ready." I hear Claudia reason with my brother as he sighs deeply like he's defeated.

"Okay. But when I get you pregnant you better tell me ASAP."

"You'll be the first to know."

I look over at my phone again to see yet another text message from Dakota but have yet to see any messages or calls from Jade; I sigh and grab my phone to look at the message from Dakota.

Dakota: I just got home. Maybe we can have
dinner tonight?I've missed you.

Me: i'll check with fin we might
have planstonight.

Dakota: Seriously, babe? I haven't
seen youin over a month.

Me: ok. what time?

Dakota: Pick me up at 7.

Have I missed Dakota? Not really. Do I need the distraction? Yes and by distraction I mean she'll do all the talking while I tune her out and she won't ask me to repeat what she just said.

"So, then Holly tells Kaitlyn 'No, get the black Chanel wallet, it'll match your purse.' To which I said, 'No get the blue wallet, it'll match your eyes.'." Dakota says as she pops another piece of artichoke in her mouth. "I got you a little something, but I left it at the apartment." She winks.

"Oh... okay. Well just bring it by tomorrow." I say playing with the straw in my lemonade.

"Or... you could stay the night?" I feel her slide her hand slowly up my thigh, that mentally makes my skin crawl, but my hormones seem to override my better judgement.

I sigh and try to push Fin's voice out of my head. "Not a good idea, Eilish." I can literally hear him say as Dakota gives me her best I want you look. "I don't know, Dakota..."

"C'mon baby, baby... please. It's been too long."

"Okay." I say, I mean fuck it I've already fucked myself by going to dinner with her, why not go back to my toxic semi-ex-girlfriend and have less than okay sex with her?

"You're not going to regret this." She says winking again.

I already am.

"Do you wanna get married?" I ask Jade as her head pops up from water, during one of our nightly swims.

"Are you asking in general or are you proposing?" She asks resting her arms on the side of the pool.

"Asking in general..."

"I'm not sure." She says shrugging her shoulders a bit, "I don't exactly have a great history when it comes to relationships."

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