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Have y'all missed me? It's been a while huh? I have a chapter ready to post it just needs some fine tuning. It'll be up on Friday!!
I thought I'd take a moment to update y'all on me... if it matters?

I'm back at my dad's, my ex-roommate and former friend had some kind of psychotic breakdown and started blaming me for things weren't my fault... and it was becoming more toxic than a nuclear cesspool.

My job takes up 70% of my life (no lie.... I work 50-60 hours a week).

My niece will be 2 in April.... She's walking and talking and I'm her 3rd favorite person.

I have 2 fur children. Blue and Atreyu. Blue is my little emotional support cat and Atreyu is a creep you stares at me when I change my clothes.

And.... My hair has gone from purple to red.

Hope everyone is well!

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