Chapter 13: Brick

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**A/N: I've been sitting on this Chapter since before my mom passed away last Saturday 11/21- I will not be posting for this book or my new one until after the Holidays. My heart is just not in it at the moment. Please be patient with me during this time, and thank you for understanding**


"That's definitely a positive pregnancy test." I say looking over Daphne's shoulder.

"Thank you for the confirmation." Daphne says rolling her eyes. "It's not like we haven't been trying."

"Congrats! I say wrapping my arms around her shoulders. "Wait until mom finds out."

"I'll tell her at Christmas."

I push the covers off my body, I can feel the bile sitting in the back of my throat at the memory of Daphne and my mom. I pull my knees to my chest and take a deep breath as I look at the time, 5:47am. I look down to see Chase curled next to my hip, lightly hugging one of his plush sharks. I pick up the tattered shark like the toy is going to provide me with the answer my brain is too scared to ask and my body already knows the answer to. I hug the plush toy close to my chest as if it were my mom, as if it Daphne, or Billie herself, I sigh into the toy and swallow the hard lump in back of my throat. And almost instantly it threatens to come back up, I clap my hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom, lightly shutting door as to not wake Chase up and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I rinse my mouth and lean against the counter, my arms and legs still shaking lightly, I take a deep breath and sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"Mommy?" I hear Chase from outside the bathroom door.

I rub my face and stand up slowly to open the door, I take a deep breath and try to put on a pleasant face for my "son" as I pull the door open. "Good morning baby shark."

"Hi mommy." He says rubbing the sleep out of his blue eyes while yawning.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I ask smoothing down his curls.


"Good, let's go get some breakfast, ok?" the idea of putting anything in my stomach makes my stomach churn again.

"Ok." He chirps has he takes my hand while we walk downstairs into the kitchen. "I want pancakes." He says walking into the living room to watch morning cartoons.

"Pancakes." I say to myself.

"We have the Incubus taping next week, then X-Ambassadors at the end of the week, and the charity event for United Way at the end of the month." I say looking at my calendar on my laptop during a tedious, yet mandatory Wednesday afternoon meeting.

"We also have a couple looking at the Three-10 venue for a birthday party in 2 weeks." Colleen says, looking at her calendar on her phone as she continues to take notes on a bright yellow legal pad.

I'm really hoping this meeting wraps up soon, the wave, more like ocean of nausea I've been swimming in since I woke up this morning has not settled despite the countless trips to the ladies room and can of ginger ale Leslie insisted on getting me.

"We'll meet again Monday morning before Incubus' soundcheck." I say standing up as I close my laptop and grab my phone, along with the now room-temperature ginger ale.

"Don't forget we have the budget meeting tomorrow." Nick says standing up as he picks up his laptop and adjusting his blazer.

Wait, is he talking to me or to Colleen? "I have the notes for the budget meeting." Colleen says as she picks up her laptop. "I'll have Kelsey email them to you before 5."

DisarmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora