Chapter 5: You're such a Heavenly view

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"Your mom said you weren't feeling that well after meeting with the people from 3-Ten?" Dakota says handing me a cup of hot tea.

"Yeah..." I say taking the tea. Thank god my mom covered for me.

"Are you feeling better? She said you spent the night in their room throwing up..." She says brushing the hair off my face, like she's almost concerned about me.

"A bit." Do I feel guilty for cheating on Dakota? No. Should I? I guess? Has she cheated on me? Yes. Did I sleep with Jade to get back at Dakota? No. "I'm going to take a shower." I say setting my untouched tea on the nightstand. I need to wash the smell of sex off me and the scent of Jade's skin is still overwhelming to me, even after all this time.


I grab my phone as I make my way to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

I've been listening to my brother make small talk with some bozo, I think he said his name was John? From the Recording Academy for the last hour, and honestly? I could not give-a- shit. But, I'd rather be stuck to Fin's side than have Dakota glued to my side as she bat's her eyes at me and hangs on every single word I say, though I can feel her eyes on me from her perch at the bar as she makes fake conversation with Claudia and my parents.

"I believe she's around here somewhere." I hear John say as he looks around the crowded room.

"Who?" I ask Fin as I crane my neck looking around for whoever she is. I see Fin shrug as he takes a sip of his drink and winks at Claudia. I take a sip of my water and suppress yet another tick as a navy blue ponytail catches my eye standing at the bar. "I'll be right back" I tell Fin as I make my slowly toward Jade trying avoid Dakota's gaze.

"May I get another glass of zinfandel, please?" I hear her ask.

"Fancy seeing you here." I say standing next to her.

"Are you even old enough to be at a bar?" She asks placing $5 in the tip jar as she takes her wine glass, giving me a subtle wink.

"I will be in December."

"Good to know, I guess?" She says taking a sip of her wine, then sighs. "Your girlfriend spotted you talking to me."

"Hey babe, what are you doing over....?" Dakota says walking past Jade and over to me. "Oh hey Jane. What are you doing here?" She says wrapping her arm around my shoulder protectively. Her perfume is enough to give me a headache, I've never noticed it until now.

"Billie was just congratulating me on my promotion." Jade says taking another sip of her wine.

"Oh..? Is this your event?" Dakota asks genuinely confused.

"No, The Recording Academy holds charity events twice a year." Jade says waving her hand at the crowd of people and items on the stage "All the people donate to the items back there and those proceeds go to funding music programs in the public schools here in Austin."

"Oh..." Dakota says. "What happens if you earn too much money?"

"Well all the money goes to the music programs so there isn't ever too much money..." Jade says cocking her head a bit.

"But, I mean like what happens if a school says 'That's too much money?' what then?" Dakota asks taking a large drink of her vodka and sprite.

"Most of the schools aren't going to say 'No more money please.' Especially when it comes to schools in Austin, where music is a big deal." Jade says narrowing her eyes a little. Damn, okay.

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