Chapter 30: You're the only one I see

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"Your blood pressure is still a bit high." Dr. Mullins says taking the blood pressure cuff off Jade's arm and hangs it back on the wall.

"What does that mean?" I ask as Jade pulls her sweater back over her shoulder.

"Well..." the good doctor sighs, "it could mean that Jade may have to be induced if it continues to climb."

"What would that mean for the baby and Jade?"

"Well, the baby would stay in the NICU, and Jade would stay for as long as needed until her blood pressure is under control."

"Y'all, I am right here." Jade sighs.

"Sorry, sweetie." Dr. Mullins says rubbing Jade's shoulder. "Let's take a look at baby." she says as Jade lays back. I watch as Dr. Mullins gently pushes up Jade's shirt exposing her pregnant belly, a small bruise in the shape of a foot decorates just under the right side of her rib cage. "So, her foot is up here." Dr. Mullins says pointing to the monitor, "And her head is down here."

"Yeah, she's been head down for a while, I can feel her punch my cervix... which is rude." Jade says looking at the monitor.

"Is she really punching your cervix?" I ask looking between Jade and the monitor.

"No, it just feels like it." Jade says looking at me.

"Let's take a listen to her heart." Dr. Mullins says as she turns up the sound on the monitor and the sound of Daphne's internal, fast-paced heartbeat fills the room.

"Is it supposed to be that fast?" I ask.

"Yes, she's perfectly healthy." Dr. Mullins says, turning the monitor off. I catch a glimpse of a large tattoo on her lower back as she reaches across to grab a paper towel. None of my doctors have tattoos, that I know of...

"So, when you breastfeed, will you have to take out your nipple rings?" I ask Jade as we walk into the house.

"Yes, they're choking hazard." Jade says walking slowly upstairs in front of me.

"I've never had an issue with them."

"You're not a newborn either, Bil."

"Point taken. Hey, so when Dr. Mullins mentioned clogged milk you think..."

"I already know what you're going to ask, and the answer is 'If that happens, we'll cross that bridge when we get it to it.'."

"Damn." I mumble under my breath as I continue to follow Jade upstairs slowly.

"Hi Mommy!" Chase says running to Jade as she gets to the top of the stairs. "When can we go trick or treating?"

"Remember, baby? Me and Fin and Aunt Claudia are taking you?" I say as Chase looks between me and Jade.

"Why can't mommy come?"

"I have to rest. Your sister is making me really sleepy. But, how about when you get back you tell me all about it?"

"Okay." Chase says running into the living room "HEY FIN!" I hear him yell followed by Fin let out a grunt as Chase laughs.

"You look exhausted." Jade says as I walk into her room pulling the shark hoodie off my head.

"What?" I ask shaking the static out of my hair.

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