Ride of Your Life

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Annie: Just leave me here I don't need a ride from you.
Johnny: Ah but thats the thing we did ask you *smirks*
Annie: So after slashing my tires you're just gonna offer me a ride home?
Johnny: No we're offering you a ride to Cabo *rolls his eyes and starts driving*
Annie: ~He was clearly being sarcastic~ You don't even know where I live.
Johnny: Hey here's an Idea *he looked at me through the rear view mirror* Put that pretty mouth of yours to good use and tell us *smirk, winks*
Annie: *blushes*
Johnny: Oh my god! *grins and turns* Stop! *laughing* Look at how red you are sweetheart!
Annie: S-Shut up! *rolls her eyes* Focus on the f-fucking road! I don't wanna die with you-
Johnny: *laughs* Tell me where you live
Annie: Here on the side walk now stop the car.
Johnny: Come on sweetheart you can tell me. Don't worry I won't kidnap you, I don't kidnap stubborn girls.
Annie: *rolls her eyes* You must be the worst kidnapper ever than. ~I heard Hayden and William chuckle, I told him my address~
Asher: Oh you're the one who lives a few blocks from all of us. *smiles*
Annie: Good we're not neighbors. Someone finally answered my prayers.
Asher: *chuckles* Cute
Annie: Thanks ~I said it sarcastically. After dropping of all the guys I got to move to the passengers side. Johnny pulled up into my drive way and just as I was about to leave he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. The blush on my face was definitely making its self noticeable~
Johnny: Annie.. *holds her chin, closer*
Annie: Yeah? ~My breath hitched in my thoat. He was only inches apart from me~
Johnny: I just wanted to say you're welcome for the ride of your life *smiles glancing at her lips* And if you want don't ever be afraid to ride my-
Annie: *slaps his hand and he starts laughing* You're an idiot! *blushes more* And disgusting
Johnny: Look at you! You're the queen of tomatoes! *laughing*
Annie: I hope you rot in hell ~I got out of the car slamming the door behind me. I walked up to my door and looked back at Johnny who was still dying of laughter. I rolled my eyes at him and went inside slamming the door behind me~ I hate him! ~I went up to my room and showered. Why does he have to be such an asshole and have such gorgeous looks?! It makes no sense. I managed to keep the car incident hidden from my parents telling them that it was just a battery problem the only downside was that I had to pay for the repairs on my own so they wouldn't know. I was thinking about today. Everything that has happened, I meant three great girls which means I had people to sit with at lunch. Everything else went to total shit after that. I hated those 'golden boys' more like annoying boys. I especially hated Johnny Orlando. I would just have to avoid that whole group of trouble. Ride of my life? Ride of my life my butt, that was actually the worst ride of my life. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.~

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