75; Daughter

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daughter• a girl or woman in relation to either or both of her parents.

Four years later:

"I thought I'd be the one freaking out about her getting married straight out of high school." Roman chuckled at Luciana's state.

"I just want everything to be perfect for tonight. She and Easton worked really hard to save their money for this. Even though we aren't letting her pay." Luciana walked back and forth in their room.

It's been four years. Luciana and Roman pretty much retired from WWE, of course they made appearances here and there and had some month long runs, but after Roman relinquished his title reign and gave it up to Cody Rhodes, the couple pretty much focused on their family. A lot has happened within the past few years. Their two sets of twins were in their teens, all four boys passionate in sports, more specifically football and basketball. Lanu, their oldest and only daughter, graduated from high school, along with Becky and Seth's daughter Ciara. So did Lanu's high school sweetheart, Easton. A few weeks after their graduation, Easton came to Luciana and Roman, asking their permission to marry their daughter. At first both parents flipped. But after giving it some thought, they both were 18, and had been together throughout their entire high school years together. And Easton seemed pretty certain he wanted to marry her. Luckily the couple had been working their part time jobs since sophomore year and had a good amount of money saved. Lanu was already in the process of training and entering NXT, and the WWE world, while Easton earned a sports scholarship full ride to the University of Florida. Roman and Luciana decided it was time to let go. They both were already responsible young adults, and if they wanted to enter the world of adulthood together, that was their choice. The couple already found an apartment and were days away from moving in together. Before Lanu left, they decided to throw her an engagement party. And Luciana was making sure everything was perfect.

"Can't believe she's almost out of here." Roman shook his head. "God it went by so fast. Seems like yesterday we took her home from the hospital and had no idea what to do."

"So... what do we do now?" Roman whispered after putting the car in park.

Him and Luciana stayed still as they were both too afraid to make a sudden move.

"I don't know." She whispered back. "Do we take her out? Won't she feel us carrying the car seat?"

"I think so. I don't want to wake her." He replied.

They both stared at each other, and smiled.

"I know. I could've sworn it was just like yesterday my water broke after your match." She laughed. "I remember you freaking out at the hospital."

"I had no idea what to do." Roman laughed along with her. "I remember not knowing how to put the car seat in."

"Remember when we broke the stroller trying to put it together after opening our baby shower gifts?"

"This looks like it needs to be pushed in more." Luciana said, while holding the instruction manual.

"Does look a little wobbly huh?" Roman said as he pushed the stroller back and forth.

He pushed down on it and they both quickly heard a snap.

"Oh fuck." Luciana gasped.

"Shit." Romans eyes widened.

He threw his head back. "Oh my gosh I forgot about that."

She smiled while slowly shaking her head. "I just hope this turns out good for both of them."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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