50; I Like Me Better

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i like me better• when i'm with you


"Hey, I'm home!" Roman announced his presence as he entered their house. "Babe?"

"Hi," Luciana walked in, a laundry basket in hand. Her hair was in a messy bun, she wore sweats and a cropped jacket. "How was your workout?"

"It was good," he set his keys down. "Are you okay baby?"

"Fine." She answered.

Roman walked towards her and grabbed the basket. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just this house is a mess, Lanuola keeps waking up from her naps, I still have three loads of laundry, and I have to get dinner ready." Luciana huffed.

"Okay, I think you need to calm down-

"I think you should pick up a vacuum or dust or something around here." Luciana sighed, the baby monitor lit up and sounded Lanuola's cries. "And now she's up, again." She threw her hands up and made her way upstairs.

Roman shook his head and looked around the house. Bottles were everywhere, baby blankets, burp cloths, even some of Romans stuff was scattered.


Luciana walked downstairs with her baby in her arms, she looked and seen the house was spotless. Walking further in, she saw Roman in the kitchen, starting dinner.

"Hey," Roman smiled. "How is she?"

"She's okay." Luciana said and put Lanuola in her rocker. "What is all this?"

"Dinner for my wife." He replied. "Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Nothing is wrong but I would just like you to do this and clean without me telling you to." She countered.

Roman set down the knife and walked over to her. "Talk to me, what's going on? Don't try and say it's nothing, it's more than just a messy house."

Luciana bit her lip. "I just think you need to remember that I don't want to be asking for help. You're not the only one with a career and needing to workout, with this new storyline, I need to get back to where I once was. But I don't want to be asking for help, you should be doing it on your own."

"I know baby but you know how much I need to workout and I try to help you the best I can." Roman looked down at her.

"I know but she's only four months old, she's constantly eating and waking up. Bottles are everywhere, she's growing in and out of her clothes, I don't want to be asking my husband for help, once we had a kid and got married, you're kind of obligated to help." She said and started prepping the bottle.

"You can't be mad at me because I don't help sometimes." He followed her around the kitchen.

"You're gone half the day, you're not here to see for yourself how stressful it gets." Luciana ran her hands through her hair and went to pick up Lanuola. "I just wish you'd remember you're not the only one with a meaningful career."


"Guess who's here?" Paige entered Luciana's house with Sasha, Brie and Nikki.

"Hey," Luciana smiled as they sat down. "Did you use the key again?"

"I did." Nikki smirked. "I need it for emergency purposes."

"Where's Lanuola?" Brie wondered.

"She just woke up," Luciana replied, looking at the baby cam. "I'm gonna go get her."

"Awe, this is Sashas first time meeting her." Paige gasped.

"I know, I'm so excited." Sasha gushed.

𝐸𝒩𝒟 𝐻𝐼𝒮 𝑅𝐸𝐼𝒢𝒩~ 𝒜 𝑅𝒪𝑀𝒜𝒩 𝑅𝐸𝐼𝒢𝒩𝒮 𝐹𝒜𝒩𝐹𝐼𝒞𝒯𝐼𝒪𝒩Where stories live. Discover now