73; Podcast

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podcast•a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.


"Our guest today and is the biggest WWE superstars in the world, one of the longest reigning undisputed heavyweight champion. He is The Tribal Chief and he demands you acknowledge him. Ladies and gentleman, it's Roman Reigns!"

Roman walked into the room on the set of Logan Paul's, Impaulsive, podcast. He greeted the three hosts before sitting down.

"He's a big guy," Logan commented on his appearance.

The podcast soon kicked off and began talking about Roman's journey into WWE and how he ended up there.

"Yeah so the first time I had leukemia, I didn't even know my wife. When I relapsed um me and her weren't even married yet, weren't engaged. We were just dating, at the peak of our careers, I had a title, she had a title. But yeah that definitely tested our relationship." Roman nodded.

"Dangggg," Logan said. "Correct me if I'm wrong but I watched that episode of Raw when you announced the leukemia was back, she actually relinquished her title as well?"

He nodded yes. "Yeah she did. I did everything I could do or say to get her to keep it but she sat me down and basically said "if you're going on this ride then I'll ride along with you." And after that she talked to Vince and those two went back and forth for the entirety of their meeting but eventually he realized he couldn't get her to stay. But her dad also, she was a big time daddy's girl before he passed, he died of lung cancer. So it hit a little too close home for her."

"Damn," Logan's two cohosts said.

One cohost named George, who Roman had been getting along with since the podcast began, spoke. "Is that how you know she was the one?"

Roman smiled instantly. "I honestly knew she was the one when I very first met her."


"Yeah, I remember she was at NXT, my time there was coming up, but I met her on her first day there. It was actually her first week in America since she had been in Colombia all her life, so when I seen her standing in the training center, I instantly knew this girl would play a major part in my life going forward. She was completely tatted up which is funny because I think she has more tattoos now then back then, but after our small interaction and introduction, I ran to Seth and Dean and told them about this badass girl I seen and how I felt like she's something special."

"Something interesting I discovered is obviously your family has twins. You and Luciana had two sets of twins, but I just found this out, she has twin brothers also."

"What's going on, that's a strong bloodline."

"Well when we're not wrestling we like to have fun." Roman joked causing everyone to laugh. "Yeah um we have a lot of kids, she comes from a big family as well. She only has brothers so being a boy mom came natural to her but when we found out our first born was going to be a girl, she was over the moon. She never really had a mom growing up but she's the best mom ever. I know I might be biased saying it because she is my wife but seeing her raise our daughter without having a mom to turn to for advice, her mother instincts kicked in and she's just amazing."

"She's Colombian right?"

"Yup, born and raised in some small town over there."

"We should get her on the show." Logan stated.

"Oh yeah, she loves talking and giving advice."

"She actually gave me some really good advice at Wrestlemania. Luciana was actually one of the first active wrestlers to really sit down with me and kind of coach me in a way for what to expect and how to navigate through this business. She's a big sweetheart, I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort talking to her, like everything just came natural." Logan explained. "She's just a kind soul."

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