Direction (Off/Gun)

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A cute rhythmical melody filled the dancing room, forcing two men to move to the rhythm. The atmosphere changed with every laugh and soft scolding. 

"Not like this, Papii." The younger man giggled as he tried to teach his partner the right move. 

"Like this?" Off asked, lifting his right hand in a circular motion. 

"No. To the other direction." Gun showed the right move.

"I don't get it." Off shooked his head in annoyance. The smaller man pondered for a while before making his way toward him. He stood behind Off, taking his hand in his, repeating the move they had to learn. 

"Like this." He whispered, burying his nose in the Off's back. 

"Can you show me one more time?" The older man grinned as the body of his tiny partner stuck to him, emitting the radiant warmth. And he certainly didn't fail the next few steps just because he liked how Gun clung to him every time he showed him how to do them the right way. 

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