Cinema (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: The continuation from May drabbles Pretty and Sky because I somehow like this particular storyline. 

After the talk Gun had with the handsome barista, how he liked to call Off, he couldn't get him out of his head. And when Off asked him on a date through the message, he almost faint. Not that he said it was a date. The handsome barista asked if he wanted to go with him to the cinema. And who was him to deny his crush. 

He got ready hours before the "date", and now he was nervously pacing through the living room of his small apartment, waiting for Off to show up. It felt like days before the doorbell buzzed, and Gun had to be careful not to stumble over his legs. He stopped in front of a small mirror, smoothing his tousled hair before opening the front door. 

"Hi," Off greeted him with a smile. Gun was beyond stunned. Off was wearing simple black and a yellow Hawaiian shirt with black ripped jeans and sneakers in the same colour. He suddenly felt underdressed. His oversized white shirt with a baby blue vest, white pants and white sneakers felt like he didn't put much effort into dressing up. 

"You look cute." Off suddenly spoke up, making Gun blush. 

"Thank you." He answered shyly. "You look handsome," he whispered more for himself. 

"Can we go?" Off asked, pulling hesitating Gun out of the door, not waiting for an answer. And if their hand's stayed entwined through the whole way to the car, no one said anything about it. 

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