Flop (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: I did it again. Continuation from "Handsom barista" miniseries. 

The musical date was successful. Gun flopped himself on the bed, feeling giddy. The smile didn't leave his face after they left the restaurant. He managed to convince Off to let him pay for the meal. And it took only to call him Papii with the cute tone and small pout. He loved the face Off made every time he called him like that. He shifted to the side, taking his phone, scrolling through the photos he took with his Papii. They looked so good together. He giggled happily. His mobile suddenly beeped, showing an incoming message from "Handsome barista". 

"I just got home. What are you doing?" Gun squeaked gleefully. 

"Thinking of you." Gun typed the answer right away without thinking much. It was after he hit the sent button, he realized what he wrote. He sits up abruptly, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. 

"I am thinking of you too." His heart skipped a beat after reading Off's replay. And when the next message arrived, he couldn't stop his racing heart anymore.

"Can I take you on a date again?" 

OffGun June Collection of DrabblesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora