Review (Off/Gun)

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The smell of the freshly roasted coffee beans floated in the air, tickling the customer's noses as they stepped inside the small cosy cafe at the end of the calm side road. The soft piano music roamed through the room, letting the people forget all the bustle outside. 

"Not a bad first impression." Off mumbled to himself as he made his way to the table at the end of the cafe. He sat down and observed the rush inside. He took out a small notepad, scribbling a few notes when the young waiter arrived, handing him a menu with a cheerful smile. Off choose a few pieces of pastry that looked appealing to him and a cup of espresso. The waiter leaves with his order, and he gets back to his notes. 

He was waiting for a while, and his order was nowhere to be found. He frowned, making a few more notes, seriously thinking about leaving earlier. 

"I am sorry for the waiting." Off was interrupted with a soft, gentle voice. He looked up to meet with the most beautiful human being he ever saw. 

"The waiter who took your order tripped and twisted his ankle. I had to replace him." The young boy smiled at Off, putting the plates with deserts and the coffee before him. 

"It's okay. Thank you." Off replayed after he was woken up from the daze. The small boy sent him a bright smile again before leaving. Off's eyes accompanied the disappearing figure as long as they could. He put attention on the sweet treat in front of him, taking an unsure bite. 

"Wow." The word escapes his mouth as the sweet flavour of strawberries and vanilla touched his tongue. Off devour the rest of the deserts in no time, humming in satisfaction as he made more notes. 

"Would you like something else?" The soft voice interrupted him once more. Off smiled at the cute boy, wondering if it would be okay to ask him for a small chat. 

"Do you have a moment? I would like to talk to you. If it's not a problem." 

The boy seemed surprised, looking around the cafe, probably searching for his boss. He nodded slightly before he hesitatingly set across from him. 

"I was curious who made these deserts." Off started. The waiter frowned a little, looking back at him with sad eyes.

"You didn't like them?" The boy pouted, making Off's heart skip a beat. 

"No, exactly opposite." He tried to assure him. 

"Really?" The boy's face lit up, and Off find it adorable. 

"I am glad then." The boy sighs in relief. 

"Did you make them?" Off asked curiously. The waiter bites his full bottom lip, nodding slightly. 

"Aren't you too young for it?" 

"No, I am 27." The man chuckled at Off's confusion. 

"My name is Gun, by the way." He added. 

"I am Off." He introduced himself with a wink.

"I have to go. My employees need help. It was nice to talk to you, Off. I hope we will see each other again." Gun blurted out, his cheeks turning pink, before running away from the table. 

"So he is an owner." He thought to himself. 

"It seems I have to come here more often to write the perfect review." Off's face lit up with a wild grin.

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