Buzz (Off/Gun)

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Author's note: The small continuation from May drabble Bright. Kind of 18+.

The world was spinning with him as the buzzing in his head wouldn't stop. He felt weak yet so strong. His whole body trembled with desire and pleasure. They were moving in synchronization under the thin blanket. He held onto his partner as the teeth sank into his shoulder. He moaned from the overwhelming feeling. His small body tensed as he was nearing a peak, chasing after the delightful end. 

"More." He finds himself pleading. Getting exactly what he wanted right after. Few more deep thrusts and they both slipped over the edge. He felt pain running through his whole body mixed with something he couldn't describe. He was sure he blacked out for a moment. 

"We are one." He barely heard what was Off telling him. Gun nodded weakly with closed eyes, slowly falling asleep. He felt his body getting embraced by the two strong arms, pulling him closer. 

"The eternity is ours to share now." 

OffGun June Collection of DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now