Explosion (Off/Gun)

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There was a set of explosions coming from his right side. He had to hide behind the collapsed wall to protect himself from flying fragments. He peeked through the hole, trying to spot a better place to hide. He took a glimpse of three men waving at him from the old looking building. He crawled forward before standing up and run with all his mind and the last drop of energy. The new set of explosions echoed behind him, followed by the rain of bullets. He slides inside the open space that used to be a door and pressed his back against the wall. The bullets hit the bricks right after that.

"And cut!" The director shouted. He sights in relief. Why did he even agree to be part of this movie?

"You looked so cool, Papii." The sweet voice echoed through the set. Off stood up from the cold ground, taking quick steps to the small man.  

He remembers now. It was his Gun's idea. "You would look sexy in an action movie, Papii." 

He was so whipped for that tiny human being he called his boyfriend. 

"When did you arrived, Gun?" He asked, wrapping his arm around the man's slim waist. 

"Not that long." The younger one answered before nuzzling his nose on Off's neck. 

"Let's go get lunch. I need to eat and relax. I am too old for this." He joked.

"You are not old, Papii." Gun giggled, letting the taller man guide him to the eating area. 

OffGun June Collection of DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now