Loud (Khai/Third)

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Author's note: It wasn't supposed to be this long. Someone should have stopped me. 😏💚🤦‍♀️

The music in the club was too loud for Third's liking. He was never that fond of partying, but his friends were and especially Khai. So he always tags along, even if it means he would see him flirting with girls. These club visits were always the same. The four of them would find the table across the dance floor to get a better view, order beer, and shot or two. The starts were Third's favourite. They would talk, laugh and drink. It would be a matter of time for Khai, Bone, and White to gradually disappear inside the club with some random girl, leaving him to his destiny. 

Now he was left alone at their table, slowly sipping his beer and bored out of his wits. He was watching people shaking their sweaty bodies to the rhythm of the overly loud music. He was contemplating about going too, but he dismisses the idea immediately when he spotted Khai sucking the girl's face in the middle of the crowd. He sinks back down to his seat with a deep sigh. 

"Need a stronger drink?" Someone shoved the glass with honey brown liquid into his hand. Third frowned, ready to send whoever was disturbing him to hell when the familiar figure smiled at him. 

"Un? What are you doing here?" Third asked, surprised, letting the taller man sit beside him on the sofa. 

"I was dragged here by Shane, he disappeared, and I saw you sitting alone." He shrugged. 

Third, find Un's company pleasant at least he didn't have to think about Khai for the time being. His eyes did occasionally travelled around the dance floor, trying to make sure Khai was still there, only to see him with a different girl. He and Un ordered few more drinks after that. 

Third's head felt light as he was getting more tipsy. Un didn't seem in any different state. His friend was trying to say something, but the whole attempt ends up with a set of giggles. Third, didn't know how their bodies get so close, but the feeling wasn't that bad. Their mouths collide. Maybe it was the alcohol or the longing, but Third didn't protest. The kiss was sloppy, needy, hungry. It was everything and nothing at the same time. They had to pull away to catch their breath. 

"Would the kiss with Khai feel like this?"Third thought. They were looking at each other with blank expressions. 

"I know I am not Khai," Un mumbled. 

"I know I am not Two," Third replied. 

They stayed without the move for a minute before their lips connected once again. Third, hesitate a little. But if Khai, Two and Bone could do it, why wouldn't he? He nor Un was committed to anyone. His body was suddenly harshly pulled away from Un's. Third blinked in surprise when his eyes land on Khai. He was fuming, shoving his angry face to Un. 

"The fuck are you doing to Third?" Khai barked, ready to throw the punch. Un stayed quiet, probably trying to understand the situation too. But before he could react, Khai already dragged shocked Third away from him. 

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