Fantasy (Off/Gun)

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Off thought, he was in some kind of sick fantasy when he arrived in the resting room in the GMM building. It's not like he didn't see Tay all over his tiny boyfriend before, but what the fuck was his shameless hand doing inside his t-shirt? And why the fuck New doesn't do anything with it and just laughing? He was about to jump between them and chop off his best friend's hand when Gun spotted him. 

"Papii, help." He cried out. 

"Pet is being a meanie." He pouted. Off's facial expression softened for a second before he marched towards them, smirking as Tay started to back away, scared. The two friends run around the room for a while before Off finally catches up with him. 

"You are a dead meat, Tawan." He growled into his friend's ear, tackling him to the ground with a grin. 

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