Danger (Thawin/Punn)

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Author's note: Prequel to Action. 

The old warehouse was filled with armed men. It was supposed to be a simple trade of goods. The two groups were standing face to face. Thawin scanned the leader of the other party with distaste, scowling at the goods state. The guns weren't exactly in the condition he imagined, and the amount didn't fit either. 

"Are you making fun of me?" He asked coldly. 

"No, I would never." The man shivered under Thawin's burning gaze. 

"Really? So what is this?" He pointed at the wooden box on the floor. "I won't buy this shit." He growled. 

"I am sorry, but the cargo we attacked had only this." The trader apologized. 

"Why don't I believe you?" Thawin snickered. 

"Well, there was something else." The man nervously scraped his neck. 

"I am waiting." Thawin frowned.

"Bring him in." The man gestured to his minions. Thawin folded his hands across the chest, waiting. After a while, the group returned with the small boy between them. His hands were chained, he looked tiny, malnourished, yet he glowed in Thawin's eyes. He made few steps closer to the boy, taking a better glimpse at him. Thawin grabbed his chin, forcing the younger one to look at him. His eyes were different. They screamed danger, and he liked it. He knew it too well. He had the same gaze after all. 

"I am taking him." He announced after a minute of silence. 

"Uncuff him." He demanded, and the trader hurriedly let the boy free. 

"What's your name." He asked the smaller, grabbing his arm tightly, dragging him outside the warehouse. 

"Punn." The boy answered laconically. 

"So, Punn, you belong to me now." He smirked over the boy's raised eyebrow. 

"I am Thawin, by the way." 

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